Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Confessions of a Reality TV Fan

OK enough everyday blather. Let’s talk about something fun. I freely admit I’m a big reality tv fan. Tonite marks the next-to-last episode of America’s Next Top Model on UPN. I enjoy it on two levels – being able to see what being a model is really about, and watching the coaching/psychology aspect of selecting a winner. I frequent a message board that talks (read bashes) a lot of different reality tv shows. They whine constantly about how some of the eliminated girls would have made better models. Perhaps, but that’s not what this show is about. Cover Girl and Ford Models are the primary sponsors of this show. This is about who would be the best girl to represent the sponsors. If you really study the critiques offered by the judges, they talk a lot about the girls learning the modeling industry lingo, players, expectations, skills… there was an interesting challenge a few weeks back where the girls had to critique each other. It was so very obvious that Kahlen & Naima knew a lot about what the photographers were looking for, and what kind of expectations there were for the model’s behavior & knowledge. Brittney was drop dead GORGEOUS, but this wasn’t a job to her, it was having fun taking pictures. Guess what, she’s gone! Keenyah always presents herself so intelligently in person, and takes lovely pictures, but she’s gained 10 lbs since the show started, and I’m guessing she’s going home tonite. I can’t see where Cover Girl wants a representative with no self control when she’s being paid $100,000/yr.

Tonite is also the results show for American Idol. I started watching when Clay Aiken was on, and while Fantasia’s music isn’t always my favorite, I still get chills listening to Summertime. Last night we saw just Vonzell, Carrie & Bo. Finally, FINALLY we saw performances that left you amazed – well at least finally since Constantine was eliminated. Bo did three amazing songs – he’s my bet for the next American Idol.

Survivor ended this past Sunday – my Thursdays are free again, as will all my nights be after next week until Big Brother starts up. I really like this genre of tv – it is such a wonderful people-watching opportunity. I’m learning a lot about how people interact by studying some of these shows.

On the Horizon

Our friend Stacy is planning on passing through in June – she and her new husband are moving to China with his new job sometime soon. They will be there for 6 years, and I am so envious of her adventure. Duncan has field day today, and then his class picnic next week, and then 2nd grade will be OVER and summer vacation will be here. Connor had his last Gymboree play class this week – Duncan can’t attend, so we’re taking the summer off. We are pondering plans for Memorial Day weekend, but nothing is firm yet. I have to take the car today and have the brakes checked – we’re not sure if they need work or not, and then the kids have their dental cleanings today. Busy afternoon!

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