Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Giraffe Rides and A New School Year

Bet THAT got your attention... hahahha...

Our Saturday was fun -- we went out and saw March of the Penguins at the theater with our friends the Tomihiros. Connor got bored and was in and out of the theater, but I really enjoyed the movie. Dot & Susan took Duncan to see it on Sunday. He had studied penguins in school last year, so he really enjoyed it. But on to the bigger news of the week.

My mother-in-law called Saturday, and informed us instead of bringing Duncan home on Sunday, could Charles & Connor meet them at the Lazy 5 Ranch on Monday instead? But of course! We told Connor when he started balking at bedtime Sunday night that he needed his sleep because he had a "big day" tomorrow seeing wild animals... well on the ride to take me to work on Monday we were talking about it, and he informed me he was going to get to ride a giraffe today. LOL -- I told him he was going to SEE a giraffe. And he did -- even got to feed one! Image hosted by Photobucket.com
They had a lovely time at the ranch -- they have a wagon ride that you can go on to see and feed the animals. Susan used my camera so I wouldn't have to miss the whole thing. I think all three of my boys had a good time. They were certainly exhausted Monday night.

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Today we attended open house at Duncan's school -- can you believe he's going into 3rd grade?! I was so glad we went -- he has the same teacher as last year, but they moved his classroom. One of the assistants in his room, Mr. Cann, moved to West Forsyth HS, so Ms. Steward is now there. She was familiar with some of the techniques used with sensory problems, so I was very encouraged. We signed up for the PTA, bought Duncan one of the new school tshirts, and a magnet for our car.

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Tomorrow is a "free day" for Charles and the kids, and then school starts on Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a fun day! It's nice to get out & get a change of scenery with the family, isn't it? I know I certainly enjoyed my change of scenery this past weekend when we went on the camping trip together as a family! BTW...don't know if I ever told you, but giraffes are my #1 favorite animal!
