Sunday, November 06, 2005

I am gardener, hear me ROAR!

Heh, well, not exactly. It's a lovely day, and our yard is in dire need of attention. I went out and blew all the leaves & nuts off the driveway, then got the weed eater out and edged the driveway and the front of the yard. It looks sooo much better. I also edged the sidewalk and trimmed back my house eating bushes. Charles needs to mow the yard desparately, and I am hoping that will save me from having to do leaves this week. This should be the last mow for the season. The kids picked up the trash the sanitation people let drop so they helped too.

Tonite for dinner I'm trying a new recipe... tater tot casserole. I got it from Carrie (I think) at Scrap Addict. I hope it's yummy. Tonite I have to catch up my calendar with all the new stuff that has popped up for the next few weeks, and figure out what money we have to put aside until payday to cover things like fellowship supper, Connor's Chuck E Cheese party on Thursday... he's gonna be FIVE on Sunday. Wow, where did the time go? My SIL is making me look like a sloth... she's almost 8 mths pregnant, has all her Christmas shopping done (well almost all)... and I haven't even gotten ready for Connor's party yet, much less Christmas.

I have one more secret shop to do today, then I can have my tater tot casserole and a peaceful evening. I'm in blog withdrawal... I caught up on them all on Friday/Saturday after being gone, and now only a couple have updated since then -- come on ladies!!!

1 comment:

  1. I updated mine! LOL...

    How was the casserole. I love that stuff! We did a ton of leaf pickup too this weekend!
