Monday, November 28, 2005

Turkey Blog

Forgive me in advance... there is a feature on Blogspot where you can
publish via email. So I thought I'd try this out so I could write entries

Did everyone enjoy that annual eat-a-thon? We got to do it twice
(kinda). First an extended family gathering at the home of Charles' Aunt
Dianne. Then to his sister's home for Thanksgiving dinner. I
really enjoyed the gathering at Dianne & Larry's because our kids got to
play with all the other kids, and they had some Lebanese dishes. Connor
ate kibbeh, but wouldn't try any of the rest of them. Bobby (Charles'
cousin) made the tabbouleh, and there was baba ganouj, laban, and a
Lebanese cookie I can't remember the name of. YUM. I even liked Dot's
cabbage casserole, and that says ALOT as I don't really like cabbage. It
is amazing how quickly time passes in the lives of children. Charles & I
didn't go last year as it was on my birthday. I can't believe how much so
many of the kids have changed. Adam, who shares Duncan's birthday (and is
12) is now taller than me! Dianna, who is now 10, has gone from a girl
to a young lady. And the "little ones" -- we have a herd of school age
kids, no more toddlers!!! Charles' cousin Janet is as tiny as ever
except for baby #3 due in about 2 months! Can you tell we enjoyed

Thursday brought the 41st anniversary of my arrival on the planet, as well
as turkey day. My friend Lisa pointed out that at least this year
everyone was celebrating with me! The kids got up pretty early, but
once they had breakfast, I got to lay back down for a nap. There is
apparently a new Scooby Doo movie that premiered on the cartoon network
this week, "Scooby Doo: Where's My Mummy?" We had to pry the kids off
the TV to go to Susan's house! Dot had someone make the turkey and
dressing, and Susan & Irene (Susan's MIL) made the rest of the meal.
Again, YUM. Sweet Potatoes, asparagus, Mac & cheese, egg salad,
cranberry salad, green beans, carrots.... I know I'm missing some items.
Plus three desserts... banana pudding, a pie/souffle, and my birthday cake.
Susan ordered it from her favorite bakery, Tizzerts, and it was
S-C-R-U-M-P-T-I-O-U-S!!! I'll post a picture of it tonight. I had
to laugh at Irene, she gave me a gift card to Michael's and included the ad
from Thursday's paper in the card! Does she know a crafter well or what?
John & Charles took the kids out to walk in the woods behind their house
after lunch. After that we just kind of lazed around and visited -- Dot
left earlier than we did. Lunch was at 1pm and we didn't leave until
after 6:00!

Friday I got up early and headed out to Michael's to spend my gift
certificate. I got a new instant eyelet setter and some odds & ends.
I then practiced my southern manners and made thank you cards! I had
intended to work on my Christmas cards, but left my intended stamp at home!
Friday night we went to visit our friends Penny & Jim and their new baby
Jasmine. What a cutie! She's such a good baby. I enjoyed visiting
with all Penny's cats too -- again, when I'm home I'll post a picture of me
holding Lint & Jasmine. I miss having a cat -- they had two small
kittens as well that I could have taken home if Charles had let me. We
tried to visit the lights in McAdenville, but apparently they hadn't
started for the season yet.

Five things to be happy about today:

1. I don't have any after work plans so I can just go home today.
2. I have on really cool new wool socks my mother-in-law bought me over
the weekend -- they are WARM!
3. Both kids are wearing some new clothes courtesy of my MIL.
4. I have some new cub scout scrapping stuff to work with tonight thanks
to birthday cash.
5. I've still got time to get my Christmas cards done if I keep up the

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a nice time for Thanksgiving & your birthday!!!
