Sunday, December 25, 2005


Duncan awoke at 5:56 a.m., and just as directed, came and woke us up first (UGH). After unsuccessfully suggesting he go back to sleep for a little bit (ha), we sent him to wake Connor and come back to our room. I went downstairs and got the camera turned on, and then both kids EXPLODED down the hall to the living room.

Duncan truly made my Christmas, he was so excited about every little thing, even the inexpensive crayons in his stocking! Both kids liked everything they got. By 7am they were settled playing with their newfound "loot". Dot arrived around 11:30 with her gifts AND gifts from Aunt Susan & Uncle John... so we had another round of "Christmas". My children are truly blessed by all the people who care for them and do for them.

At 12:30 my precooked turkey dinner was hot, and we sat down to eat. Both kids were too excited to eat, so we let them leave the table -- I wasn't going to fight over a clean plate on Christmas. Poor Sassy had trouble manuevering the house with all the stuff strewn everywhere.

At 4:00 my happy little elf and his grandmother headed back to Charlotte for the week. I miss him alot, but sometimes it helps to have some peace and quiet -- at least the kids can't fight in two separate cities. Connor enjoys his Mommy/Daddy time when Duncan is away.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a nice Christmas and that the kids were so excited! Enjoy your quiet time and I'm sure Connor enjoys having Mommy & Daddy to himself too!
