Sunday, December 04, 2005

An Interesting Mail Day

We forgot to get the mail out of the mailbox yesterday, so we got it this morning. Charles had his accident Wednesday morning; the mail came Saturday. Imagine my surprise to find letters from 7 different lawyers addressed to Charles, four lawyers addressed to Connor, and 4 chiropracters! We now have 5 copies of the accident report! Thanks guys! Sheesh, what a bunch of vultures. All this because of a rear end fender bender? We have more information on whiplash and neck injuries now than anyone could possibly need! Oh, and less I forget, one letter addressed to me, the car owner, from the Ford dealership bodyshop!

No wonder insurance costs so much!


  1. Holy moly! What a bunch of vultures. Hope it all works out for you!

  2. Those vultures!! Guess you have some reading material for awhile, huh?

  3. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Don't you just love how you get all that crap when things like that happen? They need to just CHILL!

  4. Geez, they didn't waste any time!

  5. Well I guess they call them ambulance chasers for a reason, huh? that's just crazy though

  6. But where are all these people when you would actually want them? Sheesh.

  7. Yikes - that is nuts!!! What a crazy mail day!
