Sunday, December 18, 2005

Something Went Right

I felt so sorry for Charles last night -- he hit a moment where he was really open and honest, and told me he felt Dr. T (his pychiatrist) had let him down, as he told Charles that "if anything happens, just call me." Well we had a moment of brilliance, and called the emergency number for Dr. T's office. He wasn't on call, but Dr. M was, and he called in a refill on Charles' mood stabilizer. Whew. He still says he feels out of sorts, but at least we're back on track for 30 days.

The kids have been a pistol this weekend -- Connor has been Mr. Hyperactivity, egging his brother on, bouncing balls OFF PEOPLE, just plain obnoxious. Yes I know, this is my golden child I'm referring to.

Check out the photo blog, I've updated it this weekend as Susan informed me I had taken the sparkle out of her morning routine as there was nothing new to look at last week.

I have handmade Christmas presents spread all over the dining room table drying. ACK -- I'm suddenly really behind. With all the stress of the car etc this week I just haven't gotten to it. Guess I need to get on the ball huh?


  1. I'm glad CHarles got a scrip for his meds. Here's to hoping he feela better soon.

    I know what you mean about being behind. I just pick a spot, jump in & do what I can in 15 minute segments.

    If I don't get back to your blong before Christmas, I hope yours is warm & filled with great times, friends & family.

  2. I'm tired. I've been up with the baby most of the night & it's now 8 am here. Sorry about the typos in my post below.

  3. AGGHH! I mean my post(s) ABOVE! AAGGGHHH!!! Time for sleep before the 3 year old gets up.

  4. I'm so glad you were able to get Charles' refill! Hope the kids calm down for you soon too. Mine were obnoxious this weekend too. Wow, I'm impressed that you're done with handmade gifts...mine are all store bought and I'm STILL not done. *sigh*

  5. Glad Charles got the meds he needed. Hope things continue to look up for you. Good luck with the handmade gifts!!

  6. btw...You've been tagged!

  7. Glad to hear that Charles was able to get his medicine and is feeling better. Keep plugging away at your Christmas stuff and full steam ahead to Christmas !!!!! Take care and see you soon.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I'm glad he got his refill and that he'll hopefully be feeling better very soon.

    And good luck on the Christmas presents. But take a break for a minute, cause you've been tagged!
