Sunday, January 22, 2006

1/22 -- Much Ado About Nothing

We had a rainy, dreary weekend! It started Friday with Duncan's cub scout pack meeting. I was so tired, I didn't want to go anywhere, but I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Comfort's mom called about an hour beforehand to let us know he was running a 103 degree fever and wouldn't make it. So we headed to scouts, signed Duncan up for the scout sleepover at SciWorks in March, and sat down for a long evening of awards. Duncan got his last two progress beads and a belt loop, and then he got his bear rank -- this is what they've been working towards all year, and why we were all so sad Comfort couldn't make it.

Saturday I found out Comfort had been hospitalized Friday -- he had an infection around his insulin pump site, so I went over to the hospital to see him, and to ensure Judy had a chance to get a break if she wasn't comfortable leaving him. We really didn't do much of anything Saturday, except I sat down to watch the Miss America pageant on CMT and knitted Connor a scarf.

So here comes Sunday -- again, very blah day. We were mean parents, and deprived our offspring of TV & computer privileges until they made a reasonable attempt to clean their rooms. Connor spent 5 hrs in his room rather than clean it. Duncan passed inspection in about 40 minutes! I did my grocery shopping, and took a nap. Comfort was released today so he should be back in school Tuesday or Wednesday.

Have a good week folks!


  1. Congrats to Duncan! I was a mean mom yesterday too and made Brendan clean up his room also. I was tired of stepping on the legos, letters, action figures, and cars all over his floor.

  2. Good job to Dunca. I hope Comfort is doing better.
