Thursday, January 19, 2006

Catch Up!

I'm so sorry! Life caught up with me this past week, and computer time
just wasn't in the picture.

Our MLK day weekend was very busy. We left Sunday morning for Charlotte
to visit Charles' family. Sunday afternoon Charles' sister Susan & I
took the kids to a local kids/science museum, Discovery Place. Duncan &
Connor had a blast. I think Connor's favorite two things were the
rainforest room and the water play table, not necessarily in that order.
Duncan liked it all I think. I ran out to Michael's and used my 40% off
coupon to buy a knitting loom and some yarn. I had seen someone with one
and wanted to try it. After dinner at my mother-in-law's house, we headed
to Gastonia to visit friends Penny & Jim. Their youngest is two months
old and shares Connor's birthday. Jasmine has changed alot since we saw
her at Thanksgiving. We got interested in the Serenity TV series/movie
and stayed WAY too late at their house. I arrived at Penny's house with
maybe an inch of a scarf done. I left with 2/3 of a scarf done!

Monday brought the real reason for our trip to Charlotte -- I had gotten
Dot, Duncan & I tickets to see the NBA's Charlotte Bobcats play the New
Orleans Hornets that afternoon. Unfortunately Dot wasn't feeling well so
Duncan & I went alone. We rode the Charlotte Trolley into downtown,
which was alot of fun. It dropped us right at the door of the arena.
We were there as part of a group supporting Chris Paul, who plays for the
Hornets. We got free T-shirts and mardi gras beads. I was quite
tickled that the Hornets stomped the Bobcats. Afterwards we stayed to
hear Chris talk for a few minutes to the group, then rode the trolley back
to our car.

Our Monday ended with dinner at iHop, and a drive home. I was exhausted,
and have stayed that way all week. I did finish my scarf on Tuesday night
in front of the TV, and have now started on one for Duncan at his request.
Last night we went to fellowship at church, where they had a program that
included a magician/ventriloquist. Both kids enjoyed that.

So that's what you have missed. Sorry to alarm anyone. I do try to put
at least a picture a day on weekdays to my photo blog -- if I'm not posting
here you can always check the photo blog to see if I'm still alive and

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