Thursday, January 12, 2006

Is it too much to ask?

I went to bed really early Wednesday -- I had taken some analgesic for my back and was just dead tired. So when Connor wiggled between me and Charles at 2:50 a.m., I just got up -- I'd had almost 7 hrs sleep... and thought I'd have some quiet time on the computer. (Charles reformatted his Tuesday and we hosed something and now can't get it to do ANYTHING)

So here I am blissfully eating potato chips, drinking diet coke, reading blogs at 3:20 am, and here comes my husband... is it too much to ask that when you get up for some quiet time in the middle of the night that you get left alone? Can we say co-dependent??!!


  1. I know how you feel. At night if I come in to use the computer you would think it was like Pavlov and his dogs.

    Hope you are feeling better!

  2. Geez! That would annoy me too! lol I have to have alone time or I go crazy.

  3. I need alone time also. It's nice to know I'm not the only one that needs it.

  4. WOW! Just goes to show how important we are to our families, free time....even in the middle of the night!

  5. How do men KNOW!? They just do. That stinks. Sorry your quiet time was interrupted.

  6. Just checking in w/ ya Carolyn, everything okay? Haven't "heard" anything out of you for several days.

  7. I was just wondering the same thing. I hope that all is well.

  8. LOL about eating the chips and diet coke and dh comes out! You are crazy to be doing blogging at 3am!!
