Sunday, January 29, 2006


Sorry gang -- January just isn't my best month of the year. Yesterday I faced my fears and entered Connor's room -- UGHHHHHHHHHHH. We helped him clean it but OMG was it horrid. He trashed it again today, so he got to cry while I gently lectured him about it as I helped him pick it up. Honestly, it's a 10x10 room -- this isn't this hard! I didn't do much of anything this weekend, I was fighting a headache/migraine so I just lazed around. I am soo glad Tuesday is payday.

I am about 5 challenges behind on my favorite scrapbooking site, and I hope that I can get motivated to catch up soon. Charles' birthday is this Thursday, so I've got to fit in shopping Tuesday or Wednesday around cub scouts & fellowship night. My mother-in-law is coming up on Friday, and Duncan has a pack meeting/pot luck Saturday night, so it's another busy week. I am desparate for a hair cut, and for my W2!

Hopefully I'll feel more like writing this week.


  1. Sounds busy

    and [LOL] 10x10 is pretty big! BG!

  2. Which scrapping site do you go for challenges? Please do share!! And I hope this week is great for you.

  3. Hi there! I feel your pain Janurary has been blah for me too! But it is almost over!

    Now time to clean up after my little monsters {and the big one too}. :)

  4. Brendan's room is trashed again too. I made him pick a lot of it up this weekend, but it still isn't clean. *sigh*

  5. I hope you are feeling better.
