Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Coming Soon....

to this blog is a new look! I just now have to get my customization in so it works. Right now it says "Your Blog Title" no matter what I do... so gotta figure that out. But soon!

Edited: I figured out the above problem -- it's a GIF I have to modify. But the new template is up with a few tweaks still to go! If you want to see where I got it, look at the left side for the "girliebits" link!


  1. I LOVE this new look. It is ADORABLE! Where did you find this & does she have any other templates?

  2. This is super cute!! I love it!

  3. Very cute! Love the new look. I actually visit the GirlieBits blog sometimes, so I saw this one over there ;) I had donated to "Bloggers for Boobies" thing there and was supposed to get a free blog makeover for doing so, but never heard anything. Oh well. I'm thinking about asking Kelly (at Diary of the Nello) to do one for me, but I'm still deciding what I want exactly.

  4. CUte-cute-cute!!! Looks better with stuff than when it was empty! I'm glad I remmebered the link for ya-- yay!!

  5. Wowsers. I love the new look!!!

  6. I'm really diggin' the makeover! so summery!!!!
