Monday, May 15, 2006

Neglectful Blogger or Busy Weekend?

I know my readers are feeling deprived! We really did have a busy weekend! Saturday Charles and I spent three hours out shopping -- we both needed new tennis shoes, we had to hit Sam's Club and Lowe's Home Improvement. Then Saturday night was a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for the scouts. Duncan has complained since February about missing the last one, so we couldn't miss this one. My neck muscles have been really bothering me so I've been sleeping alot when not at work. Sunday Connor sang at church, so we were good christians and actually went to services. Here's a picture of the preschool choir -- they sang "Mahalo" (which is thank you in Hawaiian) and then presented their mom's with leis and flowers. Aren't they cute?
We also took a picture of me and both boys -- so often I'm behind the camera, so in honor of mother's day I got in front of it for once. Hopefully they'll appreciate my sacrifice when they are older!!!

Sunday afternoon I put on my new tennis shoes and headed to the gym for the first time in ten years -- we joined the YMCA and I started my "strength" training yesterday. My muscles in my shoulders are SORE today. Charles is a week ahead of me in getting started, so we'll see how things go. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That was so cute what the boys did for you at church for mother's day. Great photo of you and the boys!

  2. He's so cute and very proud and sure of himself.

  3. Great pics! Neat idea of singing that song and giving the moms flowers and leis. Sounds like a busy, but fun, weekend.

  4. Great pic.'s, the boys looked so cute. Looks like you all had a busy and fun weekend. Take care.

  5. Lovely pictures: the choir and you and your boys! Good luck with your training and have a happy day!

  6. The kids look so cute!!
