Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day Musings

I took Connor yesterday to go get his stuff for soccer. You'd have thought he was being outfitted for his reign as king of the universe! We had a Dick's Sporting Goods open up here and they had a "youth soccer package" which was a pretty good discount. We got cleats, shin/ankle guards, socks, and a ball for $40! HE had to carry them to the car, and into the house.

I'm so glad he's excited but at the same time it just breaks my heart that he hasn't had more of these moments by now. I offered to be "snack mom" at our first practice game so I bought that stuff this weekend as well. Now we just have to get to the first practice! It's on Wednesday!


  1. Soccer Field Fun! Thank goodness for snack mom! Hope he has a great season

  2. Sounds like he is very excited! Hope he enjoys it! We've been thinking about getting Brendan in soccer too. He's gone to a couple little one-day type soccer clinics, but hasn't played on a team yet.
