Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Migraines, Old People, and Bowling

Ugh, who knew migraines could be so much "fun".....   it has really kicked my rear lately.  I'm ready for a headache-free week.  This week has been a hard one so far... I had to travel to Charlotte for business Monday, and I am going again tomorrow.    Connor is at Vacation Bible School this week at church.  I make a point of engaging him in conversation about it each evening.  Monday he told me they "talked about old people" but he couldn't tell me their names.  At least yesterday he could tell me it was "Abraham and Sarah".  Makes you smile, doesn't it?  He's getting to be quite the little fraidy cat with thunder storms.  He crawled in bed with me Monday night when a rather lively one started.  I told him at one point that I had heard some people say thunder is the sound made when the angels are bowling; I did warn him I didn't know if that was true or not, it was just something I had heard.  He informed me later he knew it was true, but he seemed less bothered by the thunder.


Courtney said...

kids are funny, aren't they. Hope he's enjoying learning about the "old people" at VBS. lol

Melzie said...

You know, "stories" to help fear are good.. heck, sometimes I tell them to put fear IN! Because, it's tradition, I stil giggle over things my mom told me. :)