Monday, August 15, 2005

Blah Blah Blah

Brace yourselves... this will probably a very bland entry. The bipolar mood swings continue -- Charles was depressed and combative last night, and today he is all smiles and upbeat. Connor has been in good humor lately other than being frustrated at Toon Town -- the other kids often won't include him when he's in cashbot headquarters, and if he's tired he cries over it.

Work has been incredibly busy. One of my team quit in July, and we are really starting to feel the effects of being down a person. My boss is lumping more on me, and I'm not keeping up very well at the moment. A few weeks back I traded this week as vacation for a week at the end of October. Duncan has a school break then.

I am busy trying to find a preschool that will take Connor since he's not 100% potty trained. We've all agreed he needs the time out of the house, and Charles would benefit from it. Connor missed the age cutoff for kindergarten this year by just a month, so he needs something to go to.

Did I mention I've started doing "secret shopping"? A friend clued me in to how to get on as a mystery shopper for a local grocery store chain -- thru that site I've found others that do merchandising audits, fast food shops, restaurant shops, even a gas station one. I'm hoping it will bring in some extra pocket cash, and lots of times you get reimbursed for purchases too.

Some days I wish I didn't have such good taste. My current wishes-and-wants list is getting long with items way out of my price range. I'd like to get an iPod, I've seen a computer desk I like so much better than my current one, and an awesome scrapbooking armoire. The scrapbook armoire/desk was "only" $1700.00.... think I should just run right out and order it? LOL -- at least I have my list ready if I ever hit the lottery!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!! Let me know about the secret shopper thing...always thought that would be so cool!
