Thursday, August 11, 2005

Our Weekend in Charlotte

Ladies, I'm sure you all agree, every now and then there has to be a little "me" time. Well I took mine this past weekend. I almost didn't get there. Wednesday I drove to work -- and at 5 after 2:00 I got a panicked call from Charles telling me he and Connor were romping on our bed and Connor fell off and got a lovely gash on his head. I've shared the pictures here, they aren't that great... (yes I took a camera to the dr).
So I go flying out of work and home to rush him to the doctor. Nothing too serious, but he was awfully sleepy and he staggered a bit, so we had to watch him for concussion symptoms for 24 hrs. Thursday morning we went to pull out of the driveway and this horrific grinding noise starts. WTH -- I had just had the brakes done (rotors no less) to the tune of $324 in June. So we detour to Midas. And when we get there the guy says he thinks it's the calipers. Thankfully it turned out to be a broken pin that holds the pads -- $28 and no real harm done, except I was an hour late to work.

Sooo, yes I did make it to Charlotte Thursday evening. Friday Charles dropped me at the Charlotte convention center for the Creating Keepsakes Scrapbooking Convention. I had bought class tickets in June. Over the next two days I took five classes -- everything from card making to grungy boy layouts. I had a lovely time, though I was exhausted. I spent very little at the vendor faire, but had a great time looking, and catching up with some of my cyber buddies from the NCMemory Makers list.

Saturday night, the rule of 3s struck -- we are still struggling with Connor & potty training. The therapist says Connor is using it as a control issue due to the stress in the house from Charles' illness etc. Charles and Dot don't agree. Well, I was laying down taking a nap, and apparently Connor had a potty accident. Next thing I know Charles' temper ERUPTS. He got so mad he broke a wooden spoon over the toilet, and scraped up his knuckles when he hit the wall. I really need more
education and support about bipolar disease. I am still upset -- I can't live with this kind of temper and strife in my family. I want to give Charles every opportunity to get the help he needs to be the best father & husband he can be -- but I can't continue to allow the effects of his illness on my kids and me... so I ponder my choices. Charles is very contrite and remorseful, but I'm just not sure I can stay the course. Connor will start preschool 1/2 days in September, and I will be working toward improving our finances to position us for whatever the right choice turns out to be.

I feel so inadequate some days.... those of you that have joined me in blogville... thanks for letting me into your lives. Seeing that we all struggle with our own issues and day-to-day decisions helps me feel normal. I'm sorry if I don't find time to post comments on your blogs, but I do read them (Deanna, Julie, Robin, Toni, Tara, Elyse, Courtney.. and others)


  1. {{{hugs}}} Carolyn. I agree, it makes me feel more "human" to know that others have hurdles in life too. I hope things get better with Charles. Wish I had some words of wisdom for you. On the bright side, it sounds like Duncan's party was a blast! They are putting in a Chuckie Cheese in my town right now, so maybe for Brendan's birthday next year we'll try that too!

  2. Oh, almost forgot to say...I'm so glad you were able to have a weekend away!!! The scrapbook convention sounds great :)

  3. Hey Carolyn, I hope things are going better for you all this week and you're able to come to a good solution and resolution with everything. If you need anything from us, don't hesitate to ask. We're here if you need us. Sounds like Duncan really enjoyed his b-day party. Is he looking forward to going back to school? I know I'm ready for mine to. Well I need to post an update on my Blog so have a great day. :)
