Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Bad Morning

Charles got rear ended this morning -- GRRRRR! With Connor in the car
--- major GRRRRRRRRRRR! It gives me 3 of my 5 things to be thankful
for today: 1) No one was hurt. 2) It wasn't our fault. 3) The
car is still driveable, though the bumper is crunched in two LOVELY places.

As soon as my conference call ends I'm calling their insurance adjuster to
figure out what to do in order to get it fixed. Charles says his back
is a little sore, so we are sending him to the doctor today to be looked
at. I know this is minor, I know this is "small stuff", so why am I so


  1. Oh no! Sorry Charles & Connor got rear-ended! Thank goodness neither of them were hurt! Still is a hassle though, I know. Hope it all goes smoothly getting things figured out and fixed. You are entitled to be pissed for a little while ;)

  2. the small stuff all adds up to big stuff!! sorry my bad day rubbed off on you!! so thankful dh and Connor are okay!

  3. Sorry to hear about the accident and am thankful no one was hurt. Hopefully they will not give you the run around and fix your car quickly. Take care.

  4. Well you're pissy because it sucks..but tomorrow will be better...

  5. ack! carolyn it does suck! i would be pissed too! well, if this sucks it can only get better from here, right???

  6. I would be mad too. This week Joe was coming out of the sub and it was pure ice. Some high school chick was flying down and actually went sideways trying to stop and my baby was in the car too! Some people are so dumb!!
