Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Holiday Blog Tag

OK, I decided to be a leader today rather than a follower. I therefore
have made up my own "blog tag" for all of my blogging friends to answer to
get in the holiday spirit.

Do you celebrate Christmas?
What are your favorite "holiday" colors?
Favorite Christmas song?
Favorite Christmas movie?
Favorite Christmas cartoon?
Real tree or artificial?
Special family traditions?
Travel or stay home?
Does Santa wrap presents?
Do you do an advent calendar?
Do you send Christmas cards? Store bought or handmade? Christmas
letter? Pictures?
What do you put in stockings?
Typical holiday meal?
Are you done shopping yet? Have you started?

Here are my answers...

Do you celebrate Christmas? Yes.
What are your favorite "holiday" colors? Red & Green
Favorite Christmas song? "O Holy Night"
Favorite Christmas movie? "Scrooged"
Favorite Christmas cartoon? "The Grinch who stole Christmas"
Real tree or artificial? "Artificial"
Special family traditions? We try to go to a local park that has
amazing Christmas lights on Christmas eve. Our favorite holiday treat
is "trash mix" (otherwise known as Chex Party Mix)
Travel or stay home? I like to be home Christmas eve and morning
Does Santa wrap presents? Nope
Do you do an advent calendar? We try to -- my aunt normally sends them
to my kids each year.
Do you send Christmas cards? Store bought or handmade? Christmas
letter? Pictures? I try HARD to send them every year, and I'm
working on doing homemade, but don't always succeed. I'd love to do a
christmas letter & pictures, but I don't always succeed.
What do you put in stockings? Socks, small toys, gift cards, candy
Typical holiday meal? Turkey & fixins... at my parents house it used
to be wild turkey
Are you done shopping yet? Have you started? Bwahhahahahah... nope
I'm not done!

1 comment:

  1. OK, I'll take your blog tag in a bit. Way to go you leader!
