Sunday, November 13, 2005

Fifth Birthdays

My baby is five years old now... WOW. I asked him Sunday morning what he wanted for supper on his birthday. He said "Something delicious!" LOL -- so I offered him meatballs and pasta since they about licked the bowl clean last time we had it.

I survived the official party at Chuck E Cheese on Thursday. I posted one picture from in on the photo blog -- when I get a chance I'll post more. They weren't nearly as attentive as the party we had for Duncan in August, plus 3/4 of Winston-Salem decided it was a good night to be there. The line to turn in tickets was 7 people deep so we still have to turn in his tickets for prizes. The best thing about the party was Connor had a marvelous time. He got a matchbox car track, "Fast Lane" from Ian & Connor. We set it up Friday afternoon and the kids played with it for a long time. I think Connor T. is about to BUST to come over and "help" him play with it.

Friday brought our opportunity to take snacks to school for his class. Only 6 of 11 showed up, so we had cupcakes and juice boxes all around. There are pictures from this too, but I haven't uploaded them from the camera. They did the cutest Johnny Appleseed blessing -- I wish I'd had the presence of mind to video it on the camera. Then we went to the Hot Dog Lunch the school had and ate lunch with Connor.

So back to Sunday... he opened presents mid afternoon. My parents got him some items from one of the new imaginext King Arthur line -- Mordred's castle and some of the figures. Dot got him a hotwheels pack that has this looping track. Duncan got him a Dora story book, and a Backyardigans CD. We got him a scooter that converts to a skateboard. He loved it all, it would be hard to point to a favorite.

1 comment:

  1. Sounded like he had a blast! Glad the kids played so well together!!
