Sunday, November 13, 2005

A Quiz!

Lifted from Amy's Blog (again)

  • 2 - names you go by: Carolyn, Sissy

  • 2 - parts of your heritage: Italian, Swiss

  • 2 - things that scare you: Snakes, high open places

  • 2 - of your everyday essentials: Diet Coke, My computer

  • 2 - of your favorite bands or musical artists: The Nylons, Rockapella

  • 2 - favorite songs: "On the Last Night" by Rockapella, "Zombie Jamboree" by The Nylons

  • 2 - things you want in a relationship (other than real love): Friendship, to be taken care of

  • 2 - physical things that appeal to you (in the opposite sex): Strength, buns

  • 2 - of your favorite hobbies: Scrapbooking, computers

  • 2 - things you want really badly: Calm in my house/marriage, a clean house

  • 2 - places you want to go on vacation: Cruise, Tahiti

  • 2 - things you want to do before you die: Dance on a regular basis, see Alaska & Hawaii

  • 2 - ways that you are stereotypically a chick: I hate snakes, and I'm very unmechanical

  • 2 - things you are thinking about now: wishing Charles would hurry back with my diet coke, hoping Connor has a good birthday

  • 2 - stores you shop at: Scrapbook Traditions, AC Moore

  • 3 - people I would like to see take this quiz: Briana Fisher, Courtney Deters, Robin Somazze


  1. Will do! lol

    BTW...feel free to have a link to my blog from yours if you'd like :)

  2. You stinker. I took it! :)

  3. Okay, so I'm a little slow, give a girl a break :)
