Sunday, November 20, 2005

Headache Sunday

I've had a headache all weekend actually, it won't go away. Other than that...

Saturday we did next to nothing. Charles got sick at lunchtime, claiming it was bad food and lazed around all afternoon. I made spaghetti for supper and the kids ate and ate. Sunday (today) I got up and Charles still didn't feel good. At 7:30 am I was positive Duncan would never settle down enough to be able to sing in choir. But we made eggs & toast and gave him his meds.

Lo and behold, 8:45 a.m., I notice Duncan sitting very calmly watching tv... so I start sorting thru closets to find church clothes (note to self... gotta get all the stuff that's knocked down/wadded up in the closets back in circulation). 9:45 am we leave for church. Too late for Sunday school, but kinda deliberate, I wasn't gonna push my luck. We show up right as the children's choir is "robing up" and getting ready for the 10:30 service. Connor and I hang in the kid's room until 10:15, then head to the sanctuary. Duncan is up in the choir loft (excellent sign), and we sit with the Tomihiro family. He did it! He stayed up there the whole time AND sang! Connor wandered off during children's church to go to the bathroom, but he did very well. I have a picture of Duncan in his choir robe I'll post tomorrow. Twenty minutes after we got home he was bouncing off the walls again, but that's ok.

So 1:30 rolls around, I'm thinking maybe a nap might improve my headache, and the phone rings... it's Judi, Comfort's mom (from Cub Scouts). Do we want to come over and work on pinewood derby cars? So we head out about 2:30, and over the next three hours two cars get cut out, sanded, and weighted. Woot! Duncan wasn't terribly interested in cutting his out, and he halfway sanded, but that's ok. Thanks sooo much to Jodi for helping us! Now for fine sanding, and PAINT. Pictures to follow!


  1. What a relief that must have been that Duncan did so well in church/choir performance. That's great!

  2. I get headaches too. Hope you feel better soon.

  3. I had a headache on Sunday too..wonder what was in the air? Love the blog..never knew you had I am hooked!
