Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Rainy Monday

Anyone else wish Thursday would get here? So our work week will be over?! I am just so overwhelmed at work, I'm starting to not want to go, and that's a REALLY bad sign for me.

Charles had to go pick Duncan up from school today -- he went to the health office crying about a headache and tummy ache. He says his forehead hurts. Sinus we think; he resisted getting any tylenol all day. He was very subdued... we are going to keep him home from school Tuesday and hope the rest will improve things. This is going to kink our holiday plans if he doesn't get well soon, as we were supposed to go to Charles' Aunt Dianne's house for dinner Wednesday night. Not sure what we'll do if Duncan is still sick Wednesday morning. At least Thursday is a much smaller group and mostly immediate family (we're eating at Susan & John's house).

Connor has his Thanksgiving party tomorrow. Preschool is so much fun; once he gets to "real" school they don't get to celebrate as often! Next week his class is going to a Moravian candle tea -- I've lived here 15 years and still haven't been to one. I hope they have a great time.

So what am I doing on the computer so late? I came home from work really tired, and once we had fed the kids I went to bed... at 6:30 p.m. When Charles came to bed about 11pm I woke up, and couldn't get back to sleep. So I'm up now and on the computer.

Five Things to Be Happy About Today:

  1. Charles is in a better mood today, and did deep cleaning on BOTH bathrooms.
  2. I got to see baby pictures of friend Penny's little girl.
  3. I got a compliment on the latest picture of Duncan getting his bobcat badge on my photo blog.
  4. Most of my favorite bloggers posted today and I enjoyed reading them.
  5. It's a short work week!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I wanted Thursday to get here because I don't go back to work until Tuesday! Sorry ds is sick. I hope he is feeling better now!
