Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Day 2 of my short/long work week. At least it's flying by. The kids were actually pretty good in the car on the way home from work today. I was mean, I made Charles go w/Duncan to cub scouts tonite. Duncan is so funny... they have their "official uniforms", referred to as Class "A", and a pack tshirt, referred to as Class "B". They only have to wear class "A" if they have a visitor to a den meeting, go out somewhere as a group, or to pack meetings. We tried to get Duncan to wear his class "B" tonite (sooo much easier). "Nope Mom, if I wear my class "A" I get to lead the Pledge of Allegiance!" LOL -- who would have thought that was motivation???

He has gotten two good notes from school on behavior so far this week (quick, knock on wood!!) I am kind of dreading his IEP meeting Thursday -- I'm just expecting a blindside from the committee, and I have nothing to base that fear on except instinct (or paranoia). I also agreed to help out with fundraiser item pick-up while I'm up there -- I always feel guilty that I don't volunteer more but it's so hard to get up there. Duncan has Friday off for Veteran's Day.

We are celebrating Connor's 5th birthday on Sunday. Thursday we are going for the "official" party at Chuck E Cheese. Friday I am taking cupcakes to his preschool class, and then we are attending his "hot dog lunch" at school. I haven't bought him the first present yet. He's into the Backyardigans, Go Diego Go, cars, and anything Duncan is interested in.

Besides all I mentioned above, we have fellowship supper tomorrow, plus choir practice for the kids, and a secret shop that I got assigned last minute (but it pays well!), another shop at lunch on Thursday (fast food), a cellular shop on Friday, and possibly a computer shop this weekend as well. I'm working towards a big payment in December to supplement Christmas shopping. A cyber friend from Scrap Addict is coming to W-S on a college visit this week too. Saturday I'm supposed to go on a birthday crop at my LSS, but all of my friends have cancelled, so I'm not sure if I'm going alone or not. I am also doing an interview this week with a local newspaper report about female gamers -- I'll post online if it appears (he's talking about sending a photographer out -- ewww!!)

So there's my busy week. Ooops, forgot we have to pick up popcorn from the cub scout sale Friday, and I have to find time in the next 10 days to use a free bowling coupon.

I'm tired and I've hardly started, how about you?


  1. Hey girl, sounds like you have a crazy-busy week! Hang in there! Sounds like some fun things mixed in too though. Happy early b-day to Connor! Brendan's 5th b-day is today! Hope Connor has fun at his party too.

  2. What scrapaddict friend is coming to visit. That is so cute about his A outfit and leading the pledge of allegiance!
