Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Wiggles

No, not the group... I'm referring to the five preschool boys who attended choir practice tonite... at least three of them had "the wiggles", including mine. I've decided Connor's choir director is a saint... she has soo much patience with them. I don't remember singing in choir in church, so maybe I missed this, but I am amazed at the effort Lynn goes through to teach these kids about Jesus and the meaning of Christmas while learning songs. It really touches my heart. They are learning signs to do during the songs as well.

We talked to the education director tonite about the Christmas play. Given the timing of the rehearsals for speaking parts, I think my boys are going to be sheperds and angels if they participate. Most of the parts are meaty, and I don't think either one is ready to even be considered. We had ham, veggies, and potato salad for dinner at fellowship tonite. Charles thoroughly embarassed me by going up for seconds and getting an ENORMOUS second helping of potato salad.

Tomorrow will be a long day, but short at work. I'm working the morning, and then headed to Lewisville to volunteer at school and attend Duncan's IEP meeting. I have to do a fast food shop on the way there, and then pick up Charles & Connor to head to Charles' therapy appointment by 4:30 p.m. Then we head to Chuck E Cheese's for Connor's birthday party. Whew. See y'all tomorrow!


  1. Sounds like that choir director is a real blessing! How wonderful! Another reminder that we need to start going to church again. lol Hope the party and everything else goes off without a hitch!

  2. I hope that Connor had a wonderful bday party last night. Its hard to believe that he is already 5 years old. Where has the time gone? Anyways, hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend and will talk to you soon.

  3. So cute! It sounds like the director is awesome with kids. How great!!!
