Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back to Reality...

Sigh... back to work, etc... it seemed like such a long day today at work. I got alot done, but not enough. Tomorrow I am in meetings solid from 8am - noon, and then 1pm - 3pm. And I have alot of other stuff to get done!

It was a better evening on the home front -- my Christmas present arrived and I love it! I printed ALOT of pictures to scrapbook -- I can see more photo paper in my future shortly. Duncan had cub scouts tonite -- we have one more achievement to complete and he'll get his bear badge on 1/20! WooHOO. Charles took him tonite so I could play with my new toy. Judi (Comfort's mom) commented on how much better Duncan's current dose of medication is working. Ms. Rudy (our den leader) has a ton of neat things planned for the boys this spring.

Tomorrow brings the return of Fellowship night at church -- I'm not positive the kids have choir practice, but I think they will. I know they are looking forward to seeing the Tomihiro children. I watched Mad Hot Ballroom tonite (in from Netflix) -- it was good, but not quite what I expected. We have a fun afternoon planned with Comfort & his family on Sunday afternoon, so it's shaping up to be a busy week.


  1. Have fun with your new toy! And that's great that Duncan's meds are working better :)

  2. OOh i hear you on the back to work...it was brutal!

  3. Yeah, I hear you on the back to work front! I'm glad you got all your photos back! That rocks!
