Monday, January 02, 2006

Thoughts for 2006

So many people say they don't make New Year's Resolutions because they never keep them. I try to make resolutions that will grow me and stretch me, not break me. If you don't have a goal, how do you know where to go?

So here's some of mine, in random order.

  1. Yell less. I really don't like me when I yell.
  2. Drink more water. I always feel better when I drink enough water.
  3. Scrap at least 104 pages for my books this year. Last year I made my goal, but alot were in gift albums.
  4. Take a family vacation.
  5. Enroll both kids in some sort of extra-curricular activity this year.
  6. Have less scrapbook supplies at the end of the year (be a user, not a collector).
  7. Continue to work on spending more time in church related activities.

I'm sure there are more things I need/should be doing, but these are reasonable goals for me.

Duncan came home on Sunday -- he had a marvelous time with Dot Dot. He demolished his art treasure chest from Aunt Susan & Uncle John -- used every bit of it up. He got to spend Saturday with Susan & John's other nephews -- Hunter & Blake.

Charles and I had a chance to get out and see a movie on Sunday -- The Chronicles of Narnia. It was good -- I'm so glad we went to the 1pm show -- the theater was a zoo by 3:45! We got our car back from the body shop, except the sensor which determines if the tailgate is shut properly isn't working, so it has a return trip in it's future. I am glad to be done with worrying about someone else's car though. Driving around in an almost brand new car gives me "new car envy" and that is NOT good on my budget.

My Christmas present should arrive via UPS tomorrow, so I'll be looking forward to getting off work. Duncan has his first den meeting of 2006 tomorrow, so it will be a busy day.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got your car back. Love your resolutions. I need to add the yell less one!!
