Friday, February 10, 2006


Poor Connor -- little guy has an infected toe at the base of his nail. It's oozing pus and just looks gnarly! He started anti-biotics this morning after his doctor's visit, and we have to get him to sit still and soak his toe. Best estimate is he'll be doing better in a couple of days.

I on the other hand am suffering from a stiff neck/shoulder morning, and just the general blahs. Sigh!


  1. Poor little guy. Hope his infection clears up fast! Sorry you're not feeling well either. I'm sick too- strep throat! Ugh!

  2. poor little buddy! i sure hope it clears up soon!

  3. Awww... That does not make for a fun day- for anyone! :(

  4. Those infected nails can really hurt! The meds should clear it up quickly though.

    Sending you ~*~*~*~RUBBING VIBES~*~*~*~ in hopes your stiff neck & shoulders feel better soon.


  5. Poor baby. I hope that it gets better soon!

    And I so totally understand the blahs! I think it is partly winter's fault!
