Thursday, February 09, 2006

Thursday Surprise

See what we woke up to? Two hour delay for school, and I'm afraid the snow might not be here when they get home. Duncan had a field trip today, which I suspect is not going to happen now. Ah well, they were very excited to wake up to this!


  1. I love 2 hour delays... Since I don't work, I get to go back to sleep!

    Be careful in the snow today!

  2. I can shovel some into a box and send it to you if you want some more! I have had plenty this winter. :)

  3. We woke up to that same surprise on Wednesday here. Unfortunately, I also had the unpleasant finding of strep throat on Wednesday. Now the entire family has tested positive for strep this week- ugh! We have all of our antibiotics lined up...looks like a pharmacy in here! lol

  4. There is hardly any on the ground? We need like a foot before they will cancel school here! We still have about a foot on the ground here!

  5. How fun for you- snow! Was there any left when you got home? We're just like Brianna- we need at least 12" to have a delay, 15" to cancel school, LOL! But enjoy yours! :)
