Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sick Kids

Shoot me -- both kids have been SOOO sick. Connor starting coughing again Thursday, after his croup had cleared up, and then spiked a fever late Thursday afternoon. By Friday morning he had an ear infection AND bronchitis. He was miserable sick Friday and alot of Saturday. Then today, Duncan woke up with a 102 degree fever. But his is the flu -- UGH. So he's on tamiflu and hopefully we caught it early.

My whole house is contagious!


  1. Wash everything with bleach!! :)

  2. Hope everybody is feeling better soon. Take care.

  3. I hope both kids get better VERY soon!

  4. Yikes! I do NOT want it! I've already been sick three times this year!!! I hope they get better soon.
