Monday, February 27, 2006

Another Day In the life of Typhoid Mary

My nose is running and I don't feel like chasing it. I think Connor is going back to school tomorrow, we'll see about Duncan. We shovelled Duncan's room today -- got four bags of trash out of it, and he now gets to earn back his yu-gi-oh cards 5 per day that his room stays neat. Charles took his bedframe out of his room so he can't stuff things under it anymore.



  1. Oh no!!!! *spraying lysol at you* I hope it passes quickly!

  2. You can't get sick too! Hope you don't get too bad. Can I borrow that shovel when you're done? Brendan's room is a nightmare (again)! Hmmmm...taking out the bed frame, very clever! Under the bed is where pieces of toys, markers, socks, and videos go to die in his room too.

  3. Yikes. I hope you feel better. 4 trash bags! Wow.
