Tuesday, February 21, 2006


The crop on Saturday was GREAT! I got 23 pages done, and had a lovely time. Of course I was wrecked alot on Sunday and Monday, but I really enjoyed it.

My Scrappin' Survivor team lost immunity Saturday, but I survived the vote. I've already gotten another 5 pages done and submitted them, including my favorite which is posted over on the photo blog. Our challenge for this week is to scrap about things/people that have happened in the last year -- kind of wrecks my momentum on old stuff, but I'd like to get more pages done before this challenge is up. The other team has someone on exile island, so I'm hoping we make it harder for her to escape exile.

Connor came down with croup -- he sounded horrible this morning. They put him on steroids at the doctor's office, and we have already seen a remarkable improvement. Charles had a counseling appointment today -- she doesn't see him again for a month. I really have struggled lately -- Charles and I are having differences, and while I think his current mindframe (re: Bipolar Disease) is better, I don't feel like we are where we need to be. I just struggle with the next steps.

Tonite I'm going to be a TV junkie -- flipping between American Idol and the Olympics. Last thought for the day (I saw this on Amy's blog) -- even if you don't have anything tremendous to say, drop me a "Hello" in the comments once in a while so I know you were here, ok?


  1. Sounds like you rocked your crop!!

  2. I'm here- I'm here!! Just remember, if you don't survive a vote off- still play- so many twists and turns... :) I've moved here BTW

  3. Hi Carolyn!! WTG with 23 pages, wooohoo!!! Go taters!!

  4. Hey Carolyn, I'm glad you had a fun day and enjoyed your time out. Take care and I hope Connor is feeling better soon.

  5. You wrote: "The other team has someone on exile island, so I'm hoping we make it harder for her to escape exile."

    Hey now! Be nice to poor Daphne!!! lol I need to get busy with this week's challenge...I did several pages the first day, and then nothing since. This has been a busy week so far. But I'll do more before it ends. But why am I telling you this? You're on the opposite team! LOL

  6. Oh, and I'm sorry to hear Connor has the croup, but glad he's getting better! Did you venture any further with the Relationship Rescue thing you mentioned?

  7. Wow 23 pages is awesome! Great job!

    Take care and good luck staying off the island.

  8. Holy guac you put me to shame woman :)

  9. Wow!! 23 pages...in one night??? wow!!!
    Oh....I'm here!! LOL
