Saturday, February 18, 2006

"Relationship Rescue" by Dr. Phil

This book has been recommended to me as something that might improve things between me and Charles. I just looked it up on Amazon... wonder if Charles would do it?

I need to rearrange our banking situation -- he sneaked another $20 out of the ATM today. I know overspending is a tendency of folks with bipolar... but he's gonna bankrupt us!!

Now to say something nice, since I've been a poison pen lately... my favorite scrapbook store has a quarterly all day crop, which happens to be tomorrow. Charles is letting me go ALL day and keeping the kids. I did have to "bribe" him with a $23 book from Amazon.Com, but I'm sooo looking forward to a day of peace and creativity.


  1. That is a small price to "pay" for a day of much needed down time. It sounds as if you really do NEED this time to enjoy yourself & feed your creative side. Enjoy it & have fun.

  2. have fun at the all day crop! Can't wait to see your creations!!

  3. Hope you had a great time! So glad you were able to get away for some "me time" for the day! I haven't read Relationship Rescue, but I highly respect Dr. Phil and I would say go for it! He tells it like it is. I just finished listening to his book "Family First" on dvd in my car, and it was good. I'd recommend that one too for anyone with kids.

  4. $23 is a small price to pay for an all day crop! And I already know you did a great number of pages from it!! :) I hoep you gte to go again soon!!

  5. Hope the crop was fabulous!!

  6. How was your day? I hope good!!! You need downtime for yourself too!
