Monday, March 20, 2006

Busy Weekend

We had a busy day on Saturday. Connor's best friend from pre-school, Adam, turned five on Friday and we were invited to his birthday party. Us and half the county I think, but a marvelous time was had by all. Adam's dad Mike made a great host, and my kids played HARD for 2.5 hours. Here's a picture of the cake moment:
Sunday the preschool choir sang at the 10:30 service. I think all of them are actually in this picture somewhere! They did really well. We made the kids play in the backyard Sunday afternoon. I'm glad now we did; it sleeted some today. What a way to bring in spring huh? We sat as a family and watched Dr. Who (the new show on Sci-Fi) -- Charles saw it Friday and he showed it to Duncan who liked it. Both kids were asleep by 7:15 pm last night!


  1. Sounds like so much fun!!!

    Happy First day of Spring

  2. Did you like the Dr. Who show? We watched it Friday night and it was different.

    Looks like a great time was had at the party!! Bet the kids all slept good that night. :)

  3. Sounds & looks like it was a blast! And nice enough for open doors? I'm so jealous!!!

  4. Looks like the kids are enjoying the party! I've never heard of the Dr. Who show. We got about 2 inches of snow for our first day of spring (but we were supposed to get 6 inches).

  5. Wow, what a huge birthday party!
