Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Tooth Fairy Cometh....

for Connor! He lost his first tooth today and he is so stinkin' proud. I will have a picture up tomorrow, I promise. With church tonite it just didn't get done. We are down two people tomorrow at work and I've just been so busy this week.

Hope everyone else had a good Ides of March. I'll post more later this week.


  1. Oh wow! Yea for the tooth fairy! Brendan hasn't lost any yet...I didn't know they started losing them this young! Guess I need to be on the lookout.

  2. I remember losing my first tooth (about a thousand years ago). I wasn't excited until the TF left a quarter under my pillow.

    I'm glad he's proud & i will be looking forward to seeing the pictures.

  3. Wahooo! Toothless kiddo! :) Courtney- Nathan lost his in kindergarten... :)

  4. Ahhh, isn't it sweet when they lose their first one? We have this tooth fairy book that tells what the fairy does with the teeth she gathers. I'll have to find the name for you. We read it before we put the tooth under the pillow. Congrats to Connor!

  5. Congrat.'s to Connor. I bet he is so pleased with himself. Take care.

  6. can't wait to see the toothless pics!!

  7. Awwe his first tooth! =o)

  8. Yay Connor!! What a huge accomplishment!
