Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Still here, still sick

I'm still running a fever, just like Duncan. The only positive note is coughing today seems to be productive. I'm sweating and tired. Connor is on day 2 back at school, and it has helped. We have very quiet mornings without both of them here. They actually started a physical fight yesterday afternoon -- Duncan shoved Connor away from the computer and Connor responded by throwing a punch -- UGH.

On the subject of lent, not that I've ever made a practice of giving something up, but this year I thought I'd give up "raising my voice" for lent. What do you think? *I* think I've captured the spirit of the season...


  1. Ugh!! Hope you feel better soon!!! And I hear ya about the kids are the's like I host a WWF fight nightly..I should promote it and charge admission!!!
    Feel better!!!

  2. What a great thing to give up! I try not to yell-- it's very hard. Both parents were yellers, and I have to work at it...

  3. hey I like your idea of what to give up....i may need to choose the same thing! just ask my kids!!

    feel better!!

  4. I yell too. If you are able to give that up, then that's awesome!

  5. That is a great thing to give up. I decided to start doing something instead of giving something up. I started exercising. UGHH! 40 days, well at least by then it will hopefully be habit right!

  6. Sorry you're not feeling so well...and I think it's a great idea ;)
