Thursday, April 27, 2006

Thursday Thirteen for 4/27

Thirteen Things I'm Looking Forward to in Gatlinburg

1. Finally Meeting my FTS buddies in person.
2. Going out for a nice dinner with "the girls" (& the two hubbies coming along)
3. A few days of NO KIDS
4. Visting OberGatlinburg to see the view from up high (if the group doesn't go, I will!)
5. Working on our circle journals while we are there
6. Not cooking
7. Visting the ENORMOUS Scrapbook store nearby
8. A mini-vacation
9. The mountains
10. Swimming in the largest indoor pool in the smokies
11. Putt Putt
12. Several hours each way of only MY music on the radio
13. Memories

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. I'm so jealous I don't get to go. BUt I knwo you guys will have such fun. Oh, all those reasons are fabulous-- but remember.. NO RESPONSIBILITIES!! YAY! Happy TT!

  2. thanks for stopping by my TT - no cooking!?!?!?! I am jealous!

    I am packing right now - pick me up at DFW, ok?

  3. Oh, my goodness! Whatever will you do without the kids?


  4. I don't know what an FTS is, but I'm betting it is crafty and fun!

    My TT is up.

  5. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I just spent a weekend in Gatlinburg in March. Loved it! Beware of the street construction! Hopefully it's done by now.

  6. First off, cute blog design.

    I've never been to Gaitlinburg, but I'm sure you'll have loads of fun.

  7. man, I could sure use a vacation! :)

  8. Never been to Gatlinburg (don't even know where it is!!) but it sounds fun. I like to Scrapbook too!

    My TT are up!!

  9. Sounds like you are going to have fun, fun , and nothing but fun! enjoy it!

  10. I wish I was going somewhere good. How exciting for you.

  11. Gatlinburg is so beautiful but I had no idea they had an ENORMOUS Scrapbook store.. that is enough to get me wanting to take my next vacation there ... or maybe get in the car now and head that way ... I am an obsessed Going with a friend today to Hobby Lobby as a matter of fact because their scrapbooking stuff is half off this week.

    Great list I hope you have a blast, I know I would:)

  12. I'm SOOOO looking forward to all of those things too! And if noone else wants to go to #4 I will go with you- I'd like to do that while we're there too! 3 months, 1 week and 6 days til we go! Yippee!

  13. I absolutely adore Gatlinburg-went there on my Honeymoon. I loved the charm and quaintness of downtown. Hubby and I stayed in the best little cabin there! We went on a helicopter ride as well-totally too expensive, but a once in a lifetime event! Have an awesome time! My list is up!

  14. That sounds like so much fun! I am jealous!

    Happy TT!

  15. Make sure to sing really loud as you drive - that is the only good part about driving by yourself!

  16. I wanna go!! Have fun!!

  17. I don't so much mind the cooking part, it's the cleaning up after that I could do without for a few days.
    Enjoy your trip! Have lots of Fun!
    My 13 list is up!

  18. Sounds like a great trip! Have fun girl

  19. love how your blog is looking!!!
