Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Tuesday Titterings

Is titterings a word? I'm really liking the blog makeover! For those of you who have asked, I got the blogroll thingy from Courtney, and you can find it at www.blogrolling.com.

It's been an unusual week so far -- I had to go to Charlotte for work Monday so I only have four days at my office this week. I just picked up a new project that is going to slam me for a while. Today was our annual "cleanup" day -- they provide cleaning supplies, and extra trash bins for us to "clean". Tomorrow is my tenth wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe we've been married for that long -- I've been with Charles 1/4 of my life! We'll celebrate in the romantic manner of attending church fellowship dinner; both kids have choir practice tomorrow and sing in two more weeks, so we really can't skip.

Friday after work I leave to take Duncan on the Cub Scout Pack camping trip. We are going about 90 minutes away to a state park, and we'll camp for two nights. The pack doesn't show up til Saturday, but there are 3 or 4 families headed up Friday.

That's all the "titterings" I can think of for today. Catch y'all later in the week!


  1. I still love your new blog. I redid mine too. I got sick of the old one. I'm getting better at doing the CSS that goes with it! That is awesome - congrats on the 10 years!!! It's 5 years this year for us! How exciting!

  2. Happy 10th Anniversary! Our 10-year is next year :) Have a fun time camping! We haven't decided yet where we will go camping this year...we usually go to our favorite place by the Black River, but it is still being restored/cleaned after the big dam break earlier this year :(

  3. By the way, you said you couldn't see the Gatlinburg ticker on my blog? It is up at the top, right under my blog title. I can see it when I look at my own blog...let me know if you still don't see it next time you visit :) Thanks!

  4. Hey, I love the new blog, happy anniversary, and I hope that you have a fun and exciting weekend this weekend. Take care.
