Monday, May 08, 2006

Monday Blahs

I have NO motivation tonite to go bust another kit for the NSD festivities at Scrap Addict. Charles christened our YMCA membership today by visiting with a "coach" about his workout plan, and then took the kids back to play in the adventure room while he walked on the track. I forgot to pack any clothes so we didn't go after work. Tomorrow is our last den meeting for scouts so tomorrow is out... Wednesday is fellowship and choir practice so my next opportunity is perhaps Thursday.

I did my no procrastination moment when I got home -- hung up 2 hampers full of the kids clothes. Charles hates that part of laundry and I don't mind so it's my job.

Anyone else looking forward to American Idol tomorrow night? I'm hoping Taylor sings "Little Sister"... it should be interesting hearing them tackle Elvis!


  1. I'll be watching American Idol tonight too. Can't wait to see how they all do. BTW, it's Worlds of Fun that we're going to. Within WOF they also have Camp Snoopy for the little ones, so that's the part we'll probably be spending the most time at.

  2. Good luck with your challenges and using up your kits.

  3. I hear you on the SA - I just am not motivated to scrap everyday! I just want a break - you know?
    I'm rooting for Chris. I'm watching it right now. GO CHRIS!! :)

  4. I hate hanging up clothes! UGH! That's my most hated chore I think. Enjoy the "Y" whenever you get to get there! Good for everyone- yay!
