Sunday, May 07, 2006

Another Weekend Bites The Dust...

and I'm tired. We had two birthday parties to attend this weekend. The kids had a great time. Mom is ready for a weekend with nothing to do and nowhere to go!

I did get started on some of the National Scrapbook Day (NSD) activities over at Scrap Addict -- I'm particularly focused on their Ultimate Kit Hoarder's Challenge -- I have 25 kits to make layouts out of this weekend that I've been "hoarding" from subscription. Two kits are gone so far but I have a long way to go before the contest ends 5/31.

Charles, Duncan & I cleaned his room AGAIN today -- he's been shredding paper in his room and it makes a horrible mess. The only explanation he can give us is "his brain hurts". I think it's a reaction to over stimulation but it sure is a pain to clean up. The three of us spent about 45 minutes working on his room in general and it really looks nice. Let's hope it stays this way.

It rained ALL day today... a cold gentle rain. It made my neck & shoulders sore, but it sure makes for a lovely sleeping day.

More tomorrow!


  1. Good luck on your SA challenges, I know you can bust open all those kits! Love the look of your blog, it's adorable. I know, I'm slow at getting around to reading them again, but I'm catching up. ;) Now go get scrappin'!

  2. Scattered paper all over the floor really makes my day!

  3. Those SA challenges are fun. Great job cleaning up the room
