Saturday, May 06, 2006

National Scrapbooking Day

It's NSD! After a birthday party this morning I plan to be camped at the dining room table participating in the activities at my favorite Scrapbook site, Scrap Addict. They have a TON of contests going and I hope it will get my mojo going.

We took the plunge yesterday and joined the YMCA again. Charles has an appointment Monday with a "coach" to kick start his exercise routine. I'm looking forward to access to the pool again.


  1. So cool is NSD day!

    Glad you joined the Y! Hope you have fun using it - especially the pool!

  2. happy NSD, I didn't know there was one! Have fun at the Y!

  3. Hope your day was great!! You shoudl have come to visit me-- I'd have given ya lotsa goodies!
