Sunday, June 11, 2006

SA Blog Challenge #3

SPLURGES ... what do you splurge on? What is your secret (or not so secret) way you spend money on yourself. No, I'm not talking about scrapbook supplies. I'm talking about something you do for YOU ... expensive haircuts, tons of shoes, massages, what?!? What do you splurge on???

I just started splurging on a more expensive haircut -- I've been twice now and love my new stylist. My most regular splurge is eating out for lunch on work days... I just don't like packing leftovers. I've got to cut back on that though... I really don't splurge on myself that often, with a tight budget it usually seems I'm always cutting back so others don't have to. I'll have to ponder this one...


  1. Glad you found a stylist you like. I splurge on haircuts too. I used to just go to the cheapy places until after I had Brendan, and then I started going to a nicer salon.

  2. I used to take my lunch every day and got in the habit too of going out. That will stop after the baby comes. I here you on that!
