Friday, June 02, 2006

SA Blog Challenge #2

I've been challenge to list 3 obscure things about me...

1. I was mugged in 1991 coming out of a local grocery store -- I had 14 stitches in my eyebrow. Not the greatest moment of my life (the black eye was the size of a softball, and swollen shut for 3 days), but a growth experience.

2. I used to be the scorekeeper for my college's swim team, and for the softball team, volleyball team, and the 45 second clock person for the basketball team.

3. I took bellydancing lessons in high school.


  1. Oh my, sorry you were mugged, how horrible! too cool about the belly dancing, did you like it?

  2. My GOODNESS! I cant believe you were mugged! how terrible.. Cool about the belly dancing tho ;)

  3. Belly dancing! How cool!!! :)

  4. Glad those got better instead of worse as they went!

  5. Mugged? Oh good grief- how awful!! Belly dancing-- I love belly dancing! took it in college, though I look awful doing it- absolutely no belly/hip movement works together for me, lol.

  6. Very interesting facts. Sorry you went through the mugging thing. Belly dancing sounds awesome though.

  7. Oh wow, I didn't know any of those 3 things about you. Mugged, wow. I love to watch belly dancers...maybe one day I'll actually try to learn.

  8. Oh my gosh!! Mugged! You poor thing!! I was a senior in high school in 1991. You poor thing... I'm glad it was a learning experience. I hope they caught the dirtbag that did it!!

  9. Wow what a list! Can you still Belly Dance? :) I think it is so cool looking but I lack any sort of rythem.

  10. getting mugged sucks!!!

    the belly dancing sounds totally cool though

  11. Wow, mugged and belly dancing! What a combo!
