Thursday, June 01, 2006

Thursday Thirteen for 6/1

Thirteen Things about My Week

Since my week has not gone as I planned, and I haven't had time to blog and tell you about it, here ya go!

1…. Monday was a bank holiday. You always pay for holidays by twice as much work the day you get back.
2. I have Friday off to attend Connor's end-of-preschool picnic, and to squeeze in a hair appointment in the afternoon.
3. As of lunch time today I have to call in to a last minute meeting Friday morning.
4. My kids had their 2nd swim lesson on Tuesday.
5. Since the kids started swimming lessons I'm having trouble getting the cardio portion of my workout done.
6. No scouts OR church fellowship this week (or until end of summer) -- it feels w-e-i-r-d.
7. We visited my mother-in-law, and my sister-in-law over the holiday weekend.
8. Connor has new, more masculine sheets etc for his bed, courtesy of his Aunt Susan, who upgraded to a king-size this week.
9. Duncan completed his end-of-grade tests this past week, and since he did his best according to his teacher, he earned a box of yu-gi-oh cards from us.
10. We got to see "X Men: The Last Stand" at the movies over the holiday weekend.
11. I assured my hairdresser (also a friend) that if she called in sick Friday I was going to cut my own hair... it's been seven weeks and I'm SHAGGY (UGH!)
12. My boss is selling her old convertible, so I went by her house tonite and took pictures of it so she'll have them to send potential buyers.
13. My oldest niece turned 10 this week -- I can't believe how fast time has gone!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. I'm first here that's swell! Those were great lists.
    My Thursday Thirteen is up too.

  2. I have a hair appointment on Friday, too. Let's hope we have GOOD HAIR DAYS!!

  3. Wow! Sounds like you have really had a busy week. Hang in there!

  4. I had a really busy week last week with my daughter this week, I'm chilling, not doing anything and I have to admit, it's kinda nice!

    Hope your hair appt. goes well!

    Happy Thursday!

  5. Oooh! I want to see the movie, too!

    Bummer you had to take the pics, not buy the car, eh? ;)

  6. How was the X-Men movie? I want to see it. My parents are coming to visit next week so they'll stay with the little ones while my husband and I go on a "date." Hope it's good. :) Happy TT!

  7. Sounds like a full & busy week! :) I have a hair appt on Tuesday. Shaggy here too!

  8. You have had a busy week! hope you get to your cardio exercises soon, they are important! But so are swimming lessons. AND hair-dresser appointments! Happy Thursday!

  9. Busy, busy! Dh wants to see X-Men also, so I'm sure we will eventually.

  10. WOW! What a busy week you have had. I tell you, those hair appointments are important!

    Happy Thursday!

  11. Busy week for sure. Congrats to Duncan, I'm sure you were proud. I need a haircut too, so does my son who is 10 mos. old, we are a shaggy pair! Don't cut your own hair though, that always tends to be a mistake. Have a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by!

  12. I'm with you on the #7 - I don't know what to do with myself when I don't have a million places to go!
