Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Brief Catch-Up

It's been an eventful week or so. Duncan turned ten last Wednesday -- I can't believe my baby is 10!! He's had a really good birthday week, spending it at Dot Dot's house. Last Friday and Saturday I attended the CK Scrapbook Convention in Charlotte, taking classes and wandering around the vendor faire. Sunday we moved a 14' truck of hand-me-down furniture from Charlotte to Winston-Salem in blistering heat, but we have a new couch and chair, along with several wood pieces.

Then yesterday my Gatlinburg trip went up in smoke when the car suddenly demanded repairs -- it's not in the shape to drive without the repairs, and if I pay for the repairs no $$ to go to Gatlinburg. Needless to say I'm not in good humor today -- I'd planned that trip for eight months. However, I'm a hard nose about our budget, and if I don't keep us on it there will be hell to pay, so there's not much I can do.


  1. When I saw your email about it I was literally sick to my stomach. I wish I were loaded and could spot you some $$$-- what about the bus? I don't know if you've seen Courtney's posts. Oh-- the convention!! I so want to hear about that!!

  2. My stomach has been in knots ever since I saw your email about this too. As you know from my many pleas and emails earlier today, I do NOT want you to miss this trip!!! You HAVE to come, even if I have to show up at your door and pick you up myself! I *can* make NC along the way from MO to TN if need be... :) lol

  3. I am sorry that you will miss your trip. But look on the positive side, at least you got to go to the convention in Charlotte before the car broke down. :)

  4. Carolyn, I'm so sorry about your car and having to miss the trip! That's so sad :(
