Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sunday Blahs

I'm such a lazy blogger lately. Let's see... when last we "chatted", my Gatlinburg trip was sacrificed to fund new tires for my car. I cried Monday night, and then the pity party was over, and I moved on. Wednesday we took Connor to meet the Morton family at Tanglewood pool -- it wasn't as sunny as Fourth of July, but we had a good time. Judi and I both thanked each other for getting us out and moving. Thursday I just hung around the house, and didn't do much except watch TV. Friday Duncan came home from Dot's house, and then Friday night I went to a crop at Scrapbook Traditions. They are having a quickutz contest so I spent a good portion of my evening working on my double page summer layout. Prize is a quickutz alpha and a year long free crop pass, so we'll see how it goes.

Unfortunately, I did something to my neck on Friday, and spent Saturday with a kink in it -- very uncomfortable. This morning I am up and working on Christmas gifts and trying to get motivated to do something. Connor is about to bust a gut for me to play toontown with him, so I guess I should go do that. More later!


  1. We sure missed you in Gatlinburg :( Sounds like you did some fun things though! Would love to see your layouts you did! You should post them :)

  2. I was really hoping you found a way to go to Gatlinburg. Sounds like you had an ok weekend though. Hope your neck feels better Carolyn!
