Saturday, November 12, 2005

Report Cards & Proud Mothers

So Thursday rolled around -- and I actually managed to get out of the office ON time. Wow. I headed up to Lewisville to volunteer at the pickup for the school fundraiser and go to Duncan's IEP meeting. Some background here... I was for the most part a straight A student. In the beginning days where an AP class could get you a 5.0 for an A, I graduated with a 3.987 and the valedictorian title. So I was pretty compulsive about grades.

Fast forward to 2005, and I get to see my oldest child's first report card with GRADES. Since he has an IEP, they don't have to grade him normally. I've always bugged them to do it, as I want to know where he stands against "normal" kids. I want to know where the bar is, know-what-I-mean?? In all my years, I never thought I'd cry tears of joy over seeing the worst grade on my child's report card be a "C". It has been such a struggle the last four years. (We did Kindergarten twice) He got an A in Science, a B- in math, a C+ in reading and a C in writing. There are some more Bs mixed in there in the sub categories. His marks for behavior & social development were good, and his work habit development marks were REALLY good except for an unacceptable in "avoids unnecessary talking/interuptions".

I was pleased with the goals they wanted for the next year. Duncan still tends to rush through problems -- he could do better if we can get him to try harder. So that's the next step, planning our strategy.


  1. That is sooo awesome Carolyn. Forgive me but what is IEP? Great job Duncan. I know what you mean about overachiving though. I was really good at grades but it never kicked in until 8th grade. Up until then I didn't care. Not sure why it changed!
    I changed my blog! Come look!

  2. Oh that is wonderful news! Way to go Duncan! (and yippy for mom too).
