A spot where I can scribble, babble, ponder, amuse, and otherwise share what's in my head!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
The "Other Blog"
I'm really liking VOX, so at the moment I'm posting over there. To see my latest posts go to http://cfodel.vox.com.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Am I the only one who thought we'd never get to today?! Man, I'm tired and we still have two busy days to go! Tonite is our cub scout pack meeting for both boys. Connor gets his first award tonite, so that should be entertaining. Duncan is getting another pin, his compass emblem, and his outdoor activities award patch. I'm proud of him for that one. Tomorrow we have an 8:30 am soccer game for Connor. This should be interesting -- it's been much cooler lately so it will be a nippy game I'm sure.
I will have more pictures to share from Walking with Dinosaurs when I get time to sort through them. The kids had a really good time. Duncan was quite determined prior to the show that it was a 'movie'. We laughed at him, once the show started he hardly moved and didn't make a sound. It was really amazing to see how big some of the dinosaurs were. There was one person in the show, the "paleontologist", and it was amazing to see how small he was compared to the dinosaurs. I was impressed at how much history and science was included in the show. Their website has souvenirs on-line for sale; the kids may find the DVD under the Christmas tree.
I really am liking the Vox blog so far. Jill said it well when she said she could finally understand the teens/20s obsession with MySpace. I too find it a bit addictive to come here and tweak it a bit. For example, in the books link I'm starting to link any books I've read recently. It will be an incentive to me to read more so I can see it add up, and so my friends can see what I'm reading. I also find that if my friends are on Vox, it is SOOO much easier to see if they have a recent update!
Duncan's blister is healing really nicely. It has almost deflated entirely. He has been so very good about not messing with it. The knot on my leg still feels warm to the touch and hard, but it doesn't bother me unless I put pressure on it.
I think that's it for now. Sorry it isn't a long update, but I have to snatch writing time when I can find it these days. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
New Blog Home?
OK, "everyone" is trying out Vox, so I have to too. I'll keep you posted if I decide to move there permanently. In the meantime, check it out and let me know what you think. My Vox Site
Monday, October 08, 2007
Menu Plan Monday
Catch Up
Wow, busy few days for us! Wednesday I went on Duncan's field trip to the Dixie Classic Fair. I think he really enjoyed that I went along. I did something I never do... I paid to let a guy guess my weight, with the caveat to please not announce it over the microphone. Imagine my delight when he guessed under by 45 lbs!! Duncan won a stuffed frog for my efforts. We walked for four hours so I got my exercise in that day! I'll post some of the pictures from that on my photo blog.
Thursday Charles took Connor to soccer practice while I packed for our camping trip to Hanging Rock State Park. It was the fall camping trip for scouts. We left right after work and headed up to Danbury on Friday. Friday night we cooked our own food, a delicious meal of steaks, corn-on-the-cob, and skewers of yellow squash, zucchini, and onions. YUM. Unfortunately we had two injuries Friday night. Mine wasn't as bad -- there were seat sized logs all around, but I kept slamming into one in the dark with my left shin. I have a baseball sized bruise and lump on my left shin. The guys finally avenged me and burned that particular log in the fire. Duncan got interested in a bug that everyone was looking at and reached over and grabbed the glass of a coleman lantern, and has a lovely 2nd degree burn/blister on the palm of his right hand. Say OUCH with me! Despite his boo boo, he and Connor both had a great time. They went on a three mile hike Saturday morning. The webelos 2 scouts cooked breakfast for us Saturday morning (fruit salad, pancakes and sausage) as part of working on their outdoorsman badge. Saturday night the Webelos did skits and songs for us by the campfire. Sunday morning our little group had bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast cooked over the fire. YUM. Then it was time to head home.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Thursday Thoughts
It rained! It rained!! We have been sooo dry here so it was wonderful to hear rain about 4:00 am this morning! Of course, Connor has soccer practice tonite and we are camping this weekend so it's not great timing, but I was still glad to hear it falling.
We've had such a very busy week so far. Monday was Connor's first den meeting as a tiger cub. There are eight boys in his den, and he's already seeming to bond with them. We took a hike and collected leaves to do leaf rubbings. They are certainly a full-of-energy group. His den will only meet once a month, but then they only have five achievements to do for their tiger badge, and one component of each is a family item. He has already completed the requirements for his soccer belt loop, and we are starting on electives and his soccer pin items.
Next week we are doing something special with our family; I bought four tickets for us to go see Walking With Dinosaurs here in Winston-Salem. For more information about it see http://dinosaurlive.com. Duncan still thinks it's a movie, but I know they will be quite excited when we get there on Wednesday night!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
In Honor of Courtney....
I present my menu plan for the week!!! Are ya scared yet? Seriously, we have such a busy week ahead of us that I'm proud to know what dinner is every night, even if it's not a terribly balanced week nutritionally!
Sunday - Hamburger Helper skillet meal (everything ready from the frozen section, just heat) - Cheeseburger Macaroni
Monday - Herb Chicken with rice in the crock pot
Tuesday - Spaghetti
Wednesday - Fellowship dinner at church (beef tips)
Thursday - Cheesy Italian Shells
Friday - Camping - steaks and corn on the cob
Sunday - Hamburger Helper skillet meal (everything ready from the frozen section, just heat) - Cheeseburger Macaroni
Monday - Herb Chicken with rice in the crock pot
Tuesday - Spaghetti
Wednesday - Fellowship dinner at church (beef tips)
Thursday - Cheesy Italian Shells
Friday - Camping - steaks and corn on the cob
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Quick Boring Update
Sorry -- we've just been REALLY busy. The trip to Las Vegas kicked our butts, and we are still recovering. I've got to travel for work today, so I'm leaving early, and getting home late.
Connor has a mild case of croup, but the steroids kicked it immediately. Duncan continues to demonstrate tween obnoxiousness. Scouts and soccer are in full swing, so our evenings are busy. Connor's team lost 0-3 to the Pirates this past Saturday. He had a field trip to Vulcan materials quarry on Monday. Yesterday they mailed their "Flat Stanley" letters out. Hopefully today his class will get a postcard from Flat Stanley's visit to Las Vegas!
The kittens continue to grow. Charles introduced Morgan to her first pedicure last night, and those little raptor claws are much shorter now. He said he'll need help getting Brigit to hold still for hers.
More this weekend -- I don't have another free evening until Friday!!!
Connor has a mild case of croup, but the steroids kicked it immediately. Duncan continues to demonstrate tween obnoxiousness. Scouts and soccer are in full swing, so our evenings are busy. Connor's team lost 0-3 to the Pirates this past Saturday. He had a field trip to Vulcan materials quarry on Monday. Yesterday they mailed their "Flat Stanley" letters out. Hopefully today his class will get a postcard from Flat Stanley's visit to Las Vegas!
The kittens continue to grow. Charles introduced Morgan to her first pedicure last night, and those little raptor claws are much shorter now. He said he'll need help getting Brigit to hold still for hers.
More this weekend -- I don't have another free evening until Friday!!!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Thank you Flickr
Go here to see the majority of my Vegas pictures uploaded to FLICKR. I haven't labelled all of them yet, but you'll get the idea.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Viva Las Vegas!!!
Holy cow... Charles is a horror movie freak, and he surfs a website called FearNet. He entered a contest to win a trip to Las Vegas to see the world premiere of Resident Evil: Extinction. Well he woke me up at 2am last night to let me know he won!!! So Thursday morning at 7:30 am a car picks us up, and takes us to the airport for our whirlwind trip to Las Vegas. We have fabulous friends who are keeping our kids Thursday evening for us, and we'll return home from our trip at 10:00 p.m. Friday night.
WooHOO. So what's fun to do in the middle of the night in Las Vegas?!
WooHOO. So what's fun to do in the middle of the night in Las Vegas?!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
First Soccer Game
Dragons 5, Rangers 4
GO DRAGONS!!! They did awesome... they played their positions (new this year), worked as a team, and listened to their coach. I'm such a proud soccer mom!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Fall is going to be very short at this pace! Connor had his first yellow light at school for playing in the water in the bathroom. He wasn't terribly upset about it, and neither was I. We'll see how he feels on Friday when he doesn't get his reward for the week since it wasn't all green lights.
Last night we went to fellowship, and Connor had his first night in the Children's Choir (he was previously in the preschool choir). I hope he really enjoys it. He had to draw a picture in Sunday school of what God called him to do... he told Ms. Lynn that God called him to sing.
Last night we went to fellowship, and Connor had his first night in the Children's Choir (he was previously in the preschool choir). I hope he really enjoys it. He had to draw a picture in Sunday school of what God called him to do... he told Ms. Lynn that God called him to sing.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Our Weekend
Here we are, "official" members of Ardmore UMC!! That took up alot of our Sunday, obviously. We spent alot of Saturday shopping for clothes for the kids. Our big excursion was to the $2 theater to see Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. Both of us really enjoyed it. Oh, and new kitten pictures up on the photo blog!
Friday, September 07, 2007
No Neglect Intended
I've been slammed this week! Soccer has started for Connor, and we had two nights of practice this week. I made it to the gym on Wednesday, my mother-in-law is here until Sunday, and we are (finally) joining the church on Sunday so that's a big deal. I'm taking a 30 day class at Big Picture Scrapbooking, and I'm behind on my homework for the week, and the anniversary crop at Scrap Addict starts this weekend. Busy busy busy! New pictures are up on the photo blog!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Hmmm, it was a very VERY busy week at work last week. It isn't going to slow down anytime soon either.
Charles had his sleep study Thursday night, and then another Friday night to titrate the CPAP. Hopefully they'll get him his soon and we'll see some improvements. The kids went with Charles to have lunch with his mother today, and then they went shopping for church clothes. We are joining the church here next weekend, so we're getting ready for that.
The kittens are growing like little weeds and cute as a button. I posted a picture of Morgan attacking my purse on the photo blog.
Charles had his sleep study Thursday night, and then another Friday night to titrate the CPAP. Hopefully they'll get him his soon and we'll see some improvements. The kids went with Charles to have lunch with his mother today, and then they went shopping for church clothes. We are joining the church here next weekend, so we're getting ready for that.
The kittens are growing like little weeds and cute as a button. I posted a picture of Morgan attacking my purse on the photo blog.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
First Day of School
Ahhh, the day every parent waits for... BACK TO SCHOOL! They are wearing their school tshirts and waiting for the bus (that was super late).
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
When it rains...
What a day... first day of school among other things. The bus did not show up by 8 minutes until school starting, so we ended up taking the kids to school. In the afternoon, it was 45 minutes late getting the kids home. In between Charles calls me and tells me he's having bad chest pressure and could I come take him to the emergency room?! He's spending the night in observation, and I'm headed there this morning once the kids are on the bus to be there while he supposedly has a stress test.
New picture of Morgan on the photo blog.
New picture of Morgan on the photo blog.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Brigit & Morgan
So from the last post, I hope you gathered we brought home two kittens Saturday. They have been (tentatively) named Morgan (black) and Brigit (gray). They are absolutely adorable. Morgan is just a little puff of fur. They are six weeks old. Morgan is having a bit more separation anxiety than Brigit, but she is starting to rub on us and purr. Brigit is the dominant one.. when I feed them she stands over the food plate and trys to push Morgan away. They pounce and run and chase... although where Dexter would make himself into an ankle bracelet, Morgan is more of a toe ring.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I'm Proud of Me
I've chronicled on here how I've started working with an endocronologist to get my blood sugars under control. We started in mid-June. At my mid-July appointment, my readings were better, but I hadn't lost a pound. Today I went back again... and I had lost 13 lbs!!! Yay ME!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Confessions and a sigh of relief
I am soooo relieved... my camera has been MIA since August 5th, and I just couldn't figure out how I had lost it when I so distinctly remember packing it when we came home from Charlotte. What was worse, is I hadn't dumped my memory card all summer so my ENTIRE summer of pictures was in the camera still.
Relief... it was in a clothes basket in the dining room. Don't ask why or how it was there, just be relieved with me!
Relief... it was in a clothes basket in the dining room. Don't ask why or how it was there, just be relieved with me!
Friday, August 17, 2007
PMS anyone? Shew, you know you are moody when you are on your own last nerve!!! Still, it's definitely TGIF here... it has been a very long week, including an 11 hour day on Tuesday, a bad migraine on Wednesday, and stupid people everywhere today.
What's new since I posted on Monday? Charles had an initial appointment with a sleep clinic -- they are going to do a sleep study in about two weeks to see if he has sleep apnea. It's worth checking I think. The kids got to go to "backup childcare" on Wednesday, which they LOVE. Then they got to go to Chick Fil A for dinner to meet some family friends, so it was a good day for them. They leave tomorrow with Dad for a week at grandma's... their last fling before school starts on the 27th.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Monday Ramblings
I made good use of my time before leaving work this morning to go visit and comment on most of the blogs in my list. I've felt guilty lately that folks visit me and comment, and I don't return the favor. I try at least once a week to run down my list of blogs in my favorites and visit them all; I've been slacking lately but no more -- I've caught up! I always am flattered someone stopped by, so I try to show people I care too. Several of you aren't posting anything new though... get cracking! (Ha, ha)
We had a pretty lazy weekend (or at least I did). I caught up on a week's worth of Big Brother episodes on DVR, did three altered composition books for Charles, filled everyone's pill minders for the week, played some ToonTown and Asheron's Call... did a small run to the grocery store, and generally was lazy. The kids spent alot of time playing Spyro on the playstation.
I have to give kudos to the doctor that oversees Charles' meds for his bipolar... he changed them again this month because he's still having mood swings. I am so thrilled that the doc is unwilling to settle for just being "better" and is shooting for "well". It's a drug Charles has been on before, and he's had some side effects from it before, but the doctor says they'll watch closely and deal with that if it comes up.
School starts back two weeks from today -- YIPPEE!! I think having a routine back and less time to be bored will help both kids. Plus scouts & soccer will start back as well, so we'll have busy evenings again. I expect Connor will have more homework this year so we'll have two at the dining room table doing homework after school. Charles and the boys are headed Sunday to Charlotte for one last visit with Dot Dot, so they'll miss the open house at school. I'm a little worried about Connor starting school on Monday with no idea who his teacher is or where his classroom/desk is, but I also know he will pout if he can't go to Dot Dot's so I'll go scope it out for him.
Friday, August 10, 2007
What a LONG week it has been, don't you think? I believe it's hit triple digits every day this week, I so love August in the Carolinas. (Not!) My saving grace is that I go to work before it gets too hot, and my commute home is short. I am not a summer person!!
I feel so bad lately, I've had so much fun reading other people's blogs, but haven't posted much on my own... I feel guilty for not reciprocating. So hopefully I'll be able to leave something interesting for you to read besides my pet woes.
Speaking of that... no sign of Dexter. I went to the animal shelter, and he's not there. They put all strays up on their website, so I am watching daily. We now have him up on a couple of lost pet sites with a picture, so I feel I've done the best I can. Charles and I both are very pessimistic about getting him back. We just wish we knew what happened.
What's been up with me? We celebrated Duncan's 11th birthday last week. He got a new playstation game (Spyro: The Beginning), a transformer, another year of Zoo Books, an art set, a trip to see the play "The Lion King", some Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and a pocket knife. I had been asked before why he didn't have a pocket knife, and I always answered honestly "because he hasn't asked for one." Well, he finally asked. We haven't opened it yet, but I'll start working with him on proper use and care of a knife so he can get his whittling chip card and carry it to scout events. He also got cash, and had a fun trip to Toys R Us this past weekend to spend it on toy dragons. Connor is quite jealous.
Last weekend I got to go to the Creating Keepsakes Scrapbook Convention in Charlotte, NC. Two glorious days of scrapbook classes and a vendor faire. I took seven classes this year, the most I've taken since I started going. Two were by Quick Quotes, "A Thing or Two about Boys" and "My Big Fat Chunky Book". I got four 12x12 pages out of the first one, and a table-top book thingy from the second. I need to finish the chunky book. Michelle who teaches the QQ classes was a delight, as always. I took "In Love with Basic Gray", which was a card class. I somehow didn't realize they would be all "love" themed, but they were cute cards, and had a lot of dimension using chipboard. Not my favorite class, but ok. Deluxe Designs sponsored a "Treasured Secrets" composition book class. Did you know Deluxe Designs is closing??? Cute kit, and I actually finished my book in class (barely). Charles commented that he wouldn't mind if I covered a few for him. Wow... now that's a complement coming from a guy. They always give you extras in their kit, so I feel like I got a good value on that one. "He's an Extreme Boy" used the new junkitz extreme line to make an accordion album. It must be a hot line of paper, as I now see it in a kit at Scrap Addict, and I've seen layouts in my latest copy of Simple Scrapbooks. I'm not a trendy scrapper, usually I'm not into the "hot" items, but for once I'm on the bleeding edge. Not my favorite paper line, but a cute project, and almost finished. This class recommended a lot of inking and distressing, which I'm not really into. I've now started using more ink, but I am still not into sanding my papers etc to look old.
I took a class called "Boys Go Zoom" by a new company, Cara Miller Designs (www.caramiller.com). She does board book kits, period. Cute cute cute. It used a paper line I had never seen before, Dream Street Papers. She was really personable, and gave some good instruction. She has a kit club (like everyone else these days), and I am pondering trying it out. These would make cute gifts. Last class was the stinker, "Greetings and Salutations" sponsored by Xyron. WHAT A RIPOFF!!! The rep walked in three minutes late and casually informed us that the instructor they had hired didn't show up. The class was using their personal cutting system (PCS) machine, so we had to drag all of those out, and wait for them to set up the power cords for it. Alot of the machines didn't work right, or didn't have the right cartridges. Our kit (this was a 2 hr, $27 class) consisted of 10 pieces of cardstock to fold over to make card bases, ten squares of cardstock to put in the machine to do your cutting, and five short pieces of ribbon. The class advertised making 10 cards. They told us they weren't going to "teach" us 10 cards but rather let us "play" with the machines. I also went back and read the description, and someone was supposed to win a PCS during the class. Ha! I walked out after an hour. Someone who stayed later told us they took the machine out of her hands at the 90 minute mark because they had to be "cleaned up on time". I think everyone wrote a blistering evaluation to CK about that class. I have to give props to SEI though. It was their paper used in the class, and I got a nice email last night apologizing for my experience and asking for my address so they could send me a free tote. Lesson learned, NO xyron classes for me ever again.
The vendor faire was as always, overload of the senses. I was excited to see Technique Tuesday there -- it's always fun to be able to TOUCH stuff before you buy. I bought two sets of acrylic stamps from DJ Inkers -- they had a CUTE alpha that I got as a show special. Quick Quotes always gives you a free quote per class, so I got those two (plus some others). I found some ribbons, and some toppers, and some die cuts from the deluxe designs booth. They had their color blocking templates (pages & cards) on major clearance, so I got several card templates. My biggest impulse buy was a Croppin Companion binder -- basically something to organize your stuff for crops. I found it at half price at a both, and out came my wallet!! I was nowhere near as big a spender as some of the folks I met.
Can you believe it's almost time for school to start? My kids start two weeks from Monday. Duncan will be in 5th grade, Connor in 1st. That means it's time for soccer & scouts to start as well. Busy busy busy....
Monday, August 06, 2007
Still Missing...
and very much missed. Thank you for all the kind words of encouragement. This has been a rough week.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
We're Sad.
Dexter hasn't come home since Monday morning. Charles is very upset. He normally comes in several times a day. He's not at the local animal shelter, he's not road kill nearby, so we're not sure what's going on. Very sad.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Genealogy, Camp, Summer
(I can't remember if I've posted on this before or not, and I'm too lazy this morning to go look it up, so just pretend with me that this is new ground!)
Have I mentioned the genealogy bug has bitten me again? I haven't messed around with the family tree in a long time, but somehow I got the bug again right before fourth of July, and logged on for a free trial at Ancestry.Com. I must say, the internet will take genealogy light years forward. After plugging in what I knew from memory I started looking, and was positively AMAZED at what is out there. My big success so far is going back a generation on Dad's grandmother. Until this month all I had on her was her name, really. I've hooked up with the descendants of one of her brothers (that I didn't know she had) and now have considerable information on her parents. We're still trying to figure out exactly when they immigrated (I have a different ship/arrival than the other part of the family), but it really makes me feel like I'm starting to know her better. I've been writing to my grandfather to sort out facts for him and his siblings, which has helped alot too. My next challenge on that side of the family is to figure out when Charles Somazze immigrated... I found a likely candidate, but much research to go until I'm sure that was him. On Mom's father's side I've gotten proper dates for her grandparents, the next step is to find their parents. One big challenge is that the 1940 census records don't release until 2012. Basically if someone is still alive, it's much harder to research them. Don't get me started on some of the inaccuracies in records either.
The hardest thing so far with doing this is that nobody else is around to be excited with me when I find these facts. I need to find a family history buddy to get excited with me and who likes to talk about immigration records and census records. Ha!
Duncan attended day camp for scouts last week, and had a great time. I knew he would. They worked on weather, geography, archery, BB shooting, art and some other stuff. It was pirate themed, which he LOVED. All of us went to the family picnic on Friday night with him. Connor gets his next summer activity next week when he goes to soccer camp the week of July 23rd. It's being offered by local high school coaches, and I am really hoping it will help him improve.
Can you believe the summer is already half over??
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Just... Thoughts
Hurray for chemistry -- my two overactive little boys are finally calming down this morning. Duncan has been depressed since he got home from Charlotte over having to leave his grandmother. We really are at our wits end with his whining and complaining about this. He called her 12 times the first day he was home. He called her at 8am yesterday morning. He had been told not to call her before 6pm so he was punished by not being allowed to call anymore yesterday. Dot asked us WHY we taught him her phone number. Ha, we didn't, he found it in the phone memory. He starts day camp for scouts tomorrow so hopefully that will give him something new to obsess about.
I've started on a new multi-vitamin. I'm not sure how it's going or not... I've been really nauseous and sick the last couple of days and I wonder if it's from the vitamin. It's more vegetable based, and I am not a veggie girl. The nausea could be coming from the byetta as well, although I find it odd that it took three weeks to kick in. Why is it that you feel the worst when you are actively trying to improve your eating habits? I did a BAD thing last night, we got chinese, and my blood sugar this morning clearly reflected my misdeed. But after the TUMS and pepto bismol last night my stomach finally settled down (it was upset before the chinese).
I discovered (much to my chagrin) last night that Charles hasn't had his anti-depressant in over a week; somehow he didn't realize that those pills had changed colors (different dose) and was skipping them because he thought it was a nutritional supplement. I am really hoping getting this fixed will improve his mood. I need to load pill minders for everyone this morning, not one of my favorite chores. Somehow one of Duncan's minders has gotten misplaced, so I have to hunt that too.
The silly gray furball (aka Dexter) got another mouse this week, and left it thoughtfully at the foot of my bed as an offering. Fortunately Charles found it before I did! He was sleeping at Charles' feet last night in the recliner when Charles wanted more duck sauce, so I was throwing the packets across the room so neither one of us would have to wake up (or disturb the cat). We both laughed when the cat jumped up and tried to catch one of the packets.
Any reality TV fans reading this post? I'm am anxiously awaiting the next episode of Big Brother 8 tonite... I'm really curious to see how the "america's houseguest" twist will go. Tonite also brings another episode of Army Wives, so at least there is some new TV tonite.
One last thought, for my fellow bloggers... go back and read some of your oldest archives. I read the first six months of this blog, and found it very interesting reading.
I've started on a new multi-vitamin. I'm not sure how it's going or not... I've been really nauseous and sick the last couple of days and I wonder if it's from the vitamin. It's more vegetable based, and I am not a veggie girl. The nausea could be coming from the byetta as well, although I find it odd that it took three weeks to kick in. Why is it that you feel the worst when you are actively trying to improve your eating habits? I did a BAD thing last night, we got chinese, and my blood sugar this morning clearly reflected my misdeed. But after the TUMS and pepto bismol last night my stomach finally settled down (it was upset before the chinese).
I discovered (much to my chagrin) last night that Charles hasn't had his anti-depressant in over a week; somehow he didn't realize that those pills had changed colors (different dose) and was skipping them because he thought it was a nutritional supplement. I am really hoping getting this fixed will improve his mood. I need to load pill minders for everyone this morning, not one of my favorite chores. Somehow one of Duncan's minders has gotten misplaced, so I have to hunt that too.
The silly gray furball (aka Dexter) got another mouse this week, and left it thoughtfully at the foot of my bed as an offering. Fortunately Charles found it before I did! He was sleeping at Charles' feet last night in the recliner when Charles wanted more duck sauce, so I was throwing the packets across the room so neither one of us would have to wake up (or disturb the cat). We both laughed when the cat jumped up and tried to catch one of the packets.
Any reality TV fans reading this post? I'm am anxiously awaiting the next episode of Big Brother 8 tonite... I'm really curious to see how the "america's houseguest" twist will go. Tonite also brings another episode of Army Wives, so at least there is some new TV tonite.
One last thought, for my fellow bloggers... go back and read some of your oldest archives. I read the first six months of this blog, and found it very interesting reading.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
My Space
So what's all the fuss about?? I have a MySpace page, I rarely visit, and I just don't understand the fuss. Any of you have one? Wanna be buds? LOL!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Independence Day
I'm still depressed, but at least I am doing more than moping. This feels so weird... I've taken meds for depression for a long time, and these blue moods are rare anymore. I was so down I didn't go to my sister-in-law's house for the fourth... just didn't feel like driving. The kids & Charles are spending the night at her house (my MIL isn't feeling well so they are giving her a break).
The rest of my crew will stay at my MIL's house until this weekend. Then they all come home for a bit -- Duncan has day camp for scouts next week so that should keep him busy.
The rest of my crew will stay at my MIL's house until this weekend. Then they all come home for a bit -- Duncan has day camp for scouts next week so that should keep him busy.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Word of the Day
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
/dɪˈprɛst/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[di-prest] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. | sad and gloomy; dejected; downcast. |
2. | pressed down, or situated lower than the general surface. |
3. | lowered in force, amount, etc. |
4. | undergoing economic hardship, esp. poverty and unemployment. |
5. | being or measured below the standard or norm. |
6. | Botany, Zoology. flattened down; greater in width than in height. |
7. | Psychiatry. suffering from depression. |
[Origin: 1375–1425; late ME; see depress, -ed2]
—Synonyms 1. saddened, morose, despondent, miserable; blue; morbid.
—Antonyms 1. happy.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006. |
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Migraines, Old People, and Bowling
Ugh, who knew migraines could be so much "fun"..... it has really kicked my rear lately. I'm ready for a headache-free week. This week has been a hard one so far... I had to travel to Charlotte for business Monday, and I am going again tomorrow. Connor is at Vacation Bible School this week at church. I make a point of engaging him in conversation about it each evening. Monday he told me they "talked about old people" but he couldn't tell me their names. At least yesterday he could tell me it was "Abraham and Sarah". Makes you smile, doesn't it? He's getting to be quite the little fraidy cat with thunder storms. He crawled in bed with me Monday night when a rather lively one started. I told him at one point that I had heard some people say thunder is the sound made when the angels are bowling; I did warn him I didn't know if that was true or not, it was just something I had heard. He informed me later he knew it was true, but he seemed less bothered by the thunder.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
OK, so I mentioned how I've been to the endocronologist about my diabetes, and I've had a longgg week of working on it. Despite a new medication that is supposed to kill my appetite, I've been hungry all week. Charles brought me dinner home one night last week, Chick Fil A, including a brownie AND waffle fries. This is after he lectured me about how I'd have to lose weight. Sooo, he gets home yesterday after being at his mom's for a few days... and he stays up later than me. This morning I find that, overnight, he ate: 3 pieces of KFC, 1/2 a box of Froot Loops, potato chips... I could just kill him!!! I'm about to go wake him up and make him take his blood sugar. I mean, it's his life, his body, but on a practical note, I pay a small fortune for his medications, doctors visits & diabetic supplies and he binges like this, and then dares lecture me about my diet??!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Camping, Migraines, Endocronology
Duncan & I survived our trip to cub scout resident camp. He had a blast, and is already asking to go back. I struggled with the heat, the hills, and the bugs. I also got a migraine the last full day so that didn't help. I've had one every days since Sunday so I am kind of worn down at the moment. I did see the endocronologist about my diabetes last week, and so far with the new medicine (byetta) and being more attentive to my diet I see my results improving. Ask me how I feel about it a month from now when I see him again.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I've been Tagged!
Argh! I'm it! Monica tagged me!These are the rules.... each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of their blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment. So, time for my 7 random facts:
1. I can't roll my tongue. My husband takes great delight in that fact. I understand it's a hereditary thing?
2. I got to be Rudolph in my kindergarten Christmas program.
3. I've had my ears pierced three times and they are currently not pierced. I have a terrible time getting them to heal properly, and I just give up on them after a while.
4. My first car was an old blue Ford Maverick. Great fun for a 17 year old.
5. I won the VP of Finance of the Year at Junior Achievement, and attended the National Conference in 1981 at Indiana University. WooHOO!
6. I've been to Easter services in Notre Dame cathedral in Paris (1980).
7. I used to like ketchup on my canteloupe.
There! I'm gonna tag Courtney, Felicia, Carole (The Nana), Cynthia, Jill, Melissa, and Julie!
1. I can't roll my tongue. My husband takes great delight in that fact. I understand it's a hereditary thing?
2. I got to be Rudolph in my kindergarten Christmas program.
3. I've had my ears pierced three times and they are currently not pierced. I have a terrible time getting them to heal properly, and I just give up on them after a while.
4. My first car was an old blue Ford Maverick. Great fun for a 17 year old.
5. I won the VP of Finance of the Year at Junior Achievement, and attended the National Conference in 1981 at Indiana University. WooHOO!
6. I've been to Easter services in Notre Dame cathedral in Paris (1980).
7. I used to like ketchup on my canteloupe.
There! I'm gonna tag Courtney, Felicia, Carole (The Nana), Cynthia, Jill, Melissa, and Julie!
Friday, June 01, 2007
WooHOOO -- it's almost the weekend! It was 89 degrees yesterday at lunchtime... I am so not ready for summer just yet. The guy who works on our trees came by last night to look at some work we need doing, and by the time we talked in the yard for 20 minutes or so (after 7pm mind you) I was pouring sweat. Having my neck knotted up and my head pounding didn't help things though. On the bright side, he's going to hang a new tree swing for us when he does the work, so that will help things too. Duncan has really missed the swing -- the rope is so frayed we won't let him on it, and we really wanted a "professional" opinion as to whether the branch would still hold him.
Dexter continues his role as King-of-the-Jungle... our neighbor told us last night he's seen Dexter with rabbits, and he left a bird spread over the front lawn for us to view this morning. He is very male, and very feline. Then he comes inside and purrs until you scratch beneath his chin for a while.
We actually have a busy weekend ahead. The county is doing a "Family Field Day" tomorrow, and I enrolled our family to go. You have to complete at least five events as a family, and then they feed you lunch and have a chance to win prizes. I hope we have a good time. A few of the prizes would be really nice -- a one year membership to a tae kwon do place, a basketball goal, and the grand pirze is a 4 day cruise for four (guess which prize I'd like!).
On a health note... it's not been a good couple of days for headaches or neck problems. Today I'm on the max dose of my medicine that my doctor allows... no pain at the moment but I'm pretty loopy. My friend "Frog Legs" got us started in this eight week health challenge so I've started wearing a pedometer to see how much i'm actually moving. I'm pleased to see it's more than I thought, and disappointed to see where I SHOULD be. So we'll tackle that one step at a time.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Tuesday Quickie
Well, I thought I would to be able to post that I am headache free for the first time in over a month... we are close but not quite there. I spent alot of the holiday weekend being lazy because my head hurt. Do check out my photo blog -- part of my cleaning uncovered the missing Tiger pictures I had promised to share, and they are now posted on it.
This is our first week in AGES with nothing to do any night this week -- wooHOO. I could get used to this. It won't last long though. Next week Duncan & I have to go for our swimming test for scout camp on Monday evening, and then we are hitting up Chuck E Cheese with another family to celebrate the ending of the school year Wednesday night (school ends Friday 6/8). The kids won't know about this until we get in the car to go or they will bug us to DEATH about it. I'm also attending field day for both kids next week. The week after Duncan & I head to scout camp, as part of a group of 17 scouts and 9 parents. THAT should be interesting!!
I'll post more later if I get a moment!
This is our first week in AGES with nothing to do any night this week -- wooHOO. I could get used to this. It won't last long though. Next week Duncan & I have to go for our swimming test for scout camp on Monday evening, and then we are hitting up Chuck E Cheese with another family to celebrate the ending of the school year Wednesday night (school ends Friday 6/8). The kids won't know about this until we get in the car to go or they will bug us to DEATH about it. I'm also attending field day for both kids next week. The week after Duncan & I head to scout camp, as part of a group of 17 scouts and 9 parents. THAT should be interesting!!
I'll post more later if I get a moment!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Update on Me
OK, enough blog nonsense, I'm sure my readers are ready for some "news". Thank you so much to all of you for your kind thoughts on my migraine issues. We started a new drug yesterday, so we'll see how this goes. For the most part mine aren't crippling, but they sure aren't fun. I got new glasses last week, bifocals, so I am hoping as I adjust to those it will improve the headache situation. When I first put them on I thought they had given me someone else's glasses!
We are counting down towards the end of the school year on June 8th. Connor's soccer finished on 5/16, and I've already signed him up for the fall season. I am hoping we can work out a half day soccer camp for a week later in the summer to jump start his soccer season next year. He has gotten his glasses as well, and we have to stay on him to look through them and not over them. He went back to the ophthalmologist on 5/18, and we have started patching the good eye for 2-3 hrs per day. He whined ALOT the first few days, but I think we're over the hump. He goes back to see her for a checkup in early July.
Last weekend was the end of year scout picnic for our pack. It's hard to believe scouts is over for the year. We have resident camp coming up in two weeks for Duncan & I, and then we're done until September. He has been asking about taking karate again. Last time he was so disruptive to the class we finally had to pull him from it. There is a new class in town specifically for ADHD kids, but it's pricey, so I've got to ponder that one. The kids also finished their swim lessons last night. We are trying to get them in another session this summer, but so far every single session we'd have to miss at least 25% of, so we haven't signed up yet. I dropped off the forms last night to enroll them in vacation bible school at church for the last week of June. They had such a wonderful time last summer, so it was a must-do activity for us this year.
We made a trip to Virginia to visit my parents last weekend, and got to see their new house. My kids really enjoyed seeing them and their cousins. I enjoyed seeing their cousins too -- they have grown so much!! Hopefully I'll get the group photo of all six posted on my photo blog this weekend, but I need to double check with my brother and his wife if posting that is OK first.
Dexter seems fully recovered from the tail bite, his coat is weed-free again, and he is really loving the summer weather here. I kind of miss the winter days when he was inside more, but he seems very happy.
Anyone going to CKC in Charlotte, NC in August? I'm really looking forward to that, I've signed up for quite a few classes this year. Last year my favorite classes were from Quick Quotes, so I'm working on finishing up the last of those so I can prove to Michelle (the instructor) that I actually completed them. I have three QQ classes this year as well!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Blog Nonsense -- Blame Felicia
1. Yourself? Outstanding
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? married
3. Your hair? my best feature
4. Your mother? feisty
5. Your father? Daddy
6. Your favorite thing? my camera and/or my computer
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? diet coke
9.Your dream car? Mercedes
10. The room you're in right now? den
11. Your fear? snakes
12. What you want to be in 10 years?
13. Muffins? chocolate chip
14. Who you hung out with last night? Charles
15. What you're not? shy
16. Time? 2:28 p.m.
17. What you're wearing? shorts
18. Your favorite weather? Fall
19. Your favorite book? romance
20. Last thing you ate? triscuits
21. Your worst vice? talking too much
22. Your best friend is? Missy
23. What you're thinking about right now? scout picnic
24. Your car? Odyssey
25. Your life? slammed
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? married
3. Your hair? my best feature
4. Your mother? feisty
5. Your father? Daddy
6. Your favorite thing? my camera and/or my computer
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? diet coke
9.Your dream car? Mercedes
10. The room you're in right now? den
11. Your fear? snakes
12. What you want to be in 10 years?
13. Muffins? chocolate chip
14. Who you hung out with last night? Charles
15. What you're not? shy
16. Time? 2:28 p.m.
17. What you're wearing? shorts
18. Your favorite weather? Fall
19. Your favorite book? romance
20. Last thing you ate? triscuits
21. Your worst vice? talking too much
22. Your best friend is? Missy
23. What you're thinking about right now? scout picnic
24. Your car? Odyssey
25. Your life? slammed
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Blog Nonsense - Blame Melissa
Your results:
You are Spider-Man
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
You are Spider-Man
| You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility. ![]() |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
Monday, May 07, 2007
Dexter's Impersonation of a Poodle
Yep, a poodle. Charles says I'm insulting HIS cat. Dexter came in Friday morning and complained when I rubbed his tail -- further inspection found a swollen spot about 1/2 way up it. Off to the vet he went, to discover something had bitten him and his tail had started to abscess. So we are now doing antibiotics. In order to drain the abscess, they had to shave most of his tail. I told him this is what happens when you "zig" when you should "zag". We think from the bite marks it was a rodent -- he normally leaves "presents" fairly intact, but there was a shredded rodent on the front porch that morning. It was either that or the garden snake he killed the day before, except the bites were too far apart to be that snake.
Ah well, he's feeling much better and did his best fe-lion impression in the backyard yesterday while tormenting a chipmunk.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Happy Anniversary to ME
11 years ago today I became a Mrs. Charles arranged for me to attend an all-day crop on Saturday at my favorite scrapbook store, and we are going out to dinner tonite WITHOUT the kids.
I wish I felt better. Monday I started my first full blown migraine, although I didn't know it at the time. Lights flashed around my eyes, bad blurry vision, miserable headache. My massage Monday night helped alot. I was tired Tuesday, but kind of oblivious as I was on a field trip with Duncan. Wednesday the blurry vision started again along with a headache, and I was dizzy and stumbling. YUCK. Soooo, I've been to the doctor, had a CT scan just to make sure it wasn't anything else, and have some meds for tension headaches to tide me over til I see the doctor again on 5/16. Lucky me!
I'll post more about our field trip to the Biltmore House in Asheville NC when I feel a bit better.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
What a Week
Have you been to my photo blog lately? Go see my Monday in pictures! Tuesday my friend J. lost her brother after a long illness, so we spent quite a bit of time talking on the phone. Wednesday Connor had a physical (he's normal), an OT appointment, and then soccer. Thursday I tried to go to Charlotte for work and turned around after the interstate was closed due to a wreck and fuel spill.
Today I worked a 9 hr day to make up for time missed due to my blustery day Monday. Connor had an eye appointment and after YEARS of me saying I thought something wasn't quite right, he now has to have glasses. He's farsighted, and a HUGE difference between the eyes, so if the glasses doesn't correct it he'll have to be patched for a while. Duncan threw a hissy fit that he was "the only child in this family allowed to have glasses." We're also in the middle of a medication change for Duncan, and a dosage change for Connor's medicine. I was so tired last night I went to bed at 7:45 p.m. -- I still haven't watched Survivor from last night.
Tonite I tried something new -- Dream Dinners. I am so tired of "nothing to eat" or "nothing to fix", despite a jammed freezer & fridge of food that I've resorted to bribing to get us eating better. Tonite I made Beef Tips for the crockpot, stuffed shells, and an oven roasted pork. I'm ready to eat now!
Today I worked a 9 hr day to make up for time missed due to my blustery day Monday. Connor had an eye appointment and after YEARS of me saying I thought something wasn't quite right, he now has to have glasses. He's farsighted, and a HUGE difference between the eyes, so if the glasses doesn't correct it he'll have to be patched for a while. Duncan threw a hissy fit that he was "the only child in this family allowed to have glasses." We're also in the middle of a medication change for Duncan, and a dosage change for Connor's medicine. I was so tired last night I went to bed at 7:45 p.m. -- I still haven't watched Survivor from last night.
Tonite I tried something new -- Dream Dinners. I am so tired of "nothing to eat" or "nothing to fix", despite a jammed freezer & fridge of food that I've resorted to bribing to get us eating better. Tonite I made Beef Tips for the crockpot, stuffed shells, and an oven roasted pork. I'm ready to eat now!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Back from camping in the rain
We had good weather until the smores came out at the campfire. We were one of 8 families that braved it in the rain -- we slept dry and comfortable. I got some great pictures from the trip, I'll write more later when my legs have un-stiffened!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Off to Camp in the Rain
Duncan and I are headed out shortly to go camp with the scouts -- a day program at Camp Hanes made especially for the scouts. We'll eat dinner and then camp overnight. On a bright note, the chance of rain has dropped from 100% to 80%, so I'm optimistic.
See you tomorrow!
See you tomorrow!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Quick Update
And STILL I get complaints about lack of pictures -- what a tough crowd!! Here ya go... more!
It's been a long week so far -- we've been very short staffed at work, Connor has croup again, we had tons of rain yesterday, and I'm tired -- I miss my vacation naps!
It's been a long week so far -- we've been very short staffed at work, Connor has croup again, we had tons of rain yesterday, and I'm tired -- I miss my vacation naps!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Vacation 2007
I tell you, some customers are just never satisfied. So here ya go, more vacation pictures.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Blog Nonsense - Blame Julie
Your Dominant Intelligence is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence |
![]() You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician. |
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Sunday Ramblings
I've just spent the last hour catching up on other people's blogs, so I figured I'd better leave something for my readers, just in case!
We had a picnic at the church playground on Saturday with our friend Lisa & her kids -- her hubby Bob is working insane hours lately so they have time on their hands. The kids have really enjoyed the nice weather over the past few days and are actually ASKING to spend time outside. Dexter of course is outside from before dawn til after dark and loving it, coming in only to eat and drink during the day. Last night Charles had to pet both Dexter and Turbo outside before Dexter would come in.
Didn't do a whole lot today -- Charles took Connor to the park for a few hours (Duncan didn't want to go) and then I went to a scout parent meeting tonite -- Duncan has the opportunity to go to resident scout camp for 4 days this summer, and this was the preliminary meeting. I'm looking forward to it, mostly. I will be going too, since Beth needs one adult for every 5 kids. I'll have to get Duncan's clothes & gear pulled together over the course of the spring, but he should have a good time.
We leave on vacation next Saturday -- I have done NOTHING to start packing yet, but I am soo ready to go. No computers (mostly a good thing), and just time to relax and play. I promise I will post again before we leave!
We had a picnic at the church playground on Saturday with our friend Lisa & her kids -- her hubby Bob is working insane hours lately so they have time on their hands. The kids have really enjoyed the nice weather over the past few days and are actually ASKING to spend time outside. Dexter of course is outside from before dawn til after dark and loving it, coming in only to eat and drink during the day. Last night Charles had to pet both Dexter and Turbo outside before Dexter would come in.
Didn't do a whole lot today -- Charles took Connor to the park for a few hours (Duncan didn't want to go) and then I went to a scout parent meeting tonite -- Duncan has the opportunity to go to resident scout camp for 4 days this summer, and this was the preliminary meeting. I'm looking forward to it, mostly. I will be going too, since Beth needs one adult for every 5 kids. I'll have to get Duncan's clothes & gear pulled together over the course of the spring, but he should have a good time.
We leave on vacation next Saturday -- I have done NOTHING to start packing yet, but I am soo ready to go. No computers (mostly a good thing), and just time to relax and play. I promise I will post again before we leave!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
I love my new van!!! I love my new van!! I think my husband is unhappy that I've claimed it for my drive-to-work car, but I love my new van! Even the kids were unhappy about being shuttled to the bus stop in the old car. Ah well..... we've been a one car family for 6+ years, so I am really enjoying my independence again.
Did I mention Dexter has been a bad boy and lost his collar last week? He hasn't brought me any more furry presents lately either. We did get a laugh though -- he plays alot with the neighbor's cat Turbo when he's outside (Turbo cries to go out when Dexter comes in his yard)... well Sunday Turbo must not have been able to find Dexter outside because Turbo came and sat in OUR window. The kids got quite the kick out of that.
We went to Charlotte this past weekend to show Dot the new van. While we were there we got to go see not one but TWO movies -- "300" and "Ghost Rider". I liked them both, but Ghost Rider was more fun. Charles liked them both and is out shopping for the soundtracks to the movies. "300" is pretty graphic in it's fighting scenes, but I'd see both again!
We have been working with Connor on some behavior issues since January, and had made alot of progress. Well in the last week or so we've had a relapse. The psychologist warned us this would happen, and told us simply to go back to what worked to fix it in the first place -- but I'm so frustrated!! His teacher says he is making slow improvement on the ADHD issues at school as well.
I know today is the first day of spring, but we are so busy in spring I feel like summer is around the corner... we have three weekends with no plans before Memorial Day -- EEK! There are two scout camping trips (one me & Duncan, one family), vacation, a card-making class for me, scout end-of-year picnic... it boggles the mind.
Friday, March 16, 2007
What a week! Connor had a his first day of spring soccer on Wednesday -- he's got a new coach this time and I like her. He was determined to be the goalie (they don't have goalies in his age group) but he had a great time. I got my "snack mom" duties out of the way, and it was a very pleasant evening. His weekly OT appointment is on Wednesdays as well, so I think he will be sleeping well on Wednesday nights!
Did I mention he had several cavities when he was at the dentist a couple of weeks ago? They wanted to refer us to a pediatric dentist here in town. They called Wednesday and had a cancellation so we went yesterday. OMG - he needs serious dental work... I'm talking well into four figures!!! And they need the entire fee UP FRONT to even schedule it. So... I'm busy studying our finances figuring out where to squeeze that out.
Speaking of Connor and OT... I bought him a weighted blanket to use at home (he needs the pressure)... well apparently he has been annoying our cat lately as the cat decided last night to christen it... UGH!!! So I had to take all the weights out and wash it... I was NOT happy. It was still damp this morning so I get to spend time tonight inserting all the weights back in the blanket. Crazy cat -- he lost his collar yesterday. On a bright note the kids actually went outside and searched the yard for it. The exercise was good for them. He (the cat) also has a new trick -- our house is a split level, so my bedroom window is about 1 1/2 stories off the ground rather than two. Dexter has figured out how to jump up into that window. He also left mouse #6 on the doorstep yesterday. He's chasing birds too, but hasn't managed to catch any yet, although I saw a robin turn white yesterday when he got close LOL.
Two weeks from tomorrow we head out to Myrtle Beach for an inexpensive vacation -- just getting away and having some pool, sun, sand and ocean time. Everyone in the family is looking forward to it. Well, except maybe for the cat, but he'll just have to get over it.
More news later in the weekend (wink, wink) -- stay tuned!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Wednesday Waaaaaaaaaaaa
I'm in better humor about Monday -- we're just going to have to work through this. I ordered Duncan and his buddy Comfort an item from scoutstuff.org -- a red vest to sew all their patches on so they can display how much they've done in scouts.
Duncan had his fourth grade writing test yesterday, and got an 80 on it, so we are very proud of him. End of grade testing is such a big deal with the "No Child Left Behind" legislation. He has a field trip coming up on 3/29 to the state capitol, so that should be interesting.
Today marks the beginning of spring soccer for Connor. We had a chinese fire drill the past few days collecting all of his "gear" from wherever it had landed in the house since the fall. I had to buy him new cleats as his feet had grown. The whole family is going tonite, so this should be fun. I have camera ready.
It's a busy scrapping week, not that I've gotten going much yet. I'm participating in two cyber crops at the moment. One is on my FriendsThatScrap list, a scrapping Survivor game. Our challenge this week is to use movie, play or song titles as our layout titles. Also going on is the Winter Blahs Crop over at Scrap Addict. I'm hoping to get cropping in starting tomorrow night.
Our car is in the shop today having brake work done. Ugh. At least Charles is taking care of this one so I don't have to.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Bad Day
Why is it when you try so very hard to do the right things by your kids it seems to backfire in your face? I sent Charles to scouts the other night with Duncan -- I just wanted a break, and I knew it wasn't a terribly busy night for that.
Today I talked to our den leader. In the nicest possible way she let me know he had been WILD that night. It isn't entirely his fault -- his medications that keep him somewhat calm wear off by that time of night, and if I give him his nighttime meds sometimes he gets sleepy. Charles was overwhelmed that night so he was no help to her... and she gently hinted that she was wondering if Duncan was the reason why some of the kids in our den hadn't been showing up. It made me feel about an inch tall. I'm sitting here sobbing but I need to get this OUT. It really makes me rethink scouts... for both kids. Duncan isn't average, and he never will be, but it's so frustrating to be made to feel like you're hurting other's enjoyment of an activity (note, I'm frustrated at other parents, not the den leader). Now I'm torn -- do I just quietly fade into the background? Do I medicate him during this rough period (he's normally NO fun at all this time of the spring) to get him artificially calm so he doesn't distract from others? How do I bring a second hyperactive child into scouts?
And while I'm annoyed that Charles just doesn't step up and deal with it, in my heart of hearts I know he's not up to it. So then I'm stuck with can I handle both kids without his help???
This is like karate all over for Duncan... he wanted to be there, but it just got to the point where no one could enjoy it with him there in a class. I don't want scouts to be that way for him, I'd rather fade before his feelings get hurt (not that he has noticed so far)... I'm just so hurt, torn, frustrated...
Today I talked to our den leader. In the nicest possible way she let me know he had been WILD that night. It isn't entirely his fault -- his medications that keep him somewhat calm wear off by that time of night, and if I give him his nighttime meds sometimes he gets sleepy. Charles was overwhelmed that night so he was no help to her... and she gently hinted that she was wondering if Duncan was the reason why some of the kids in our den hadn't been showing up. It made me feel about an inch tall. I'm sitting here sobbing but I need to get this OUT. It really makes me rethink scouts... for both kids. Duncan isn't average, and he never will be, but it's so frustrating to be made to feel like you're hurting other's enjoyment of an activity (note, I'm frustrated at other parents, not the den leader). Now I'm torn -- do I just quietly fade into the background? Do I medicate him during this rough period (he's normally NO fun at all this time of the spring) to get him artificially calm so he doesn't distract from others? How do I bring a second hyperactive child into scouts?
And while I'm annoyed that Charles just doesn't step up and deal with it, in my heart of hearts I know he's not up to it. So then I'm stuck with can I handle both kids without his help???
This is like karate all over for Duncan... he wanted to be there, but it just got to the point where no one could enjoy it with him there in a class. I don't want scouts to be that way for him, I'd rather fade before his feelings get hurt (not that he has noticed so far)... I'm just so hurt, torn, frustrated...
Thursday, March 01, 2007
March Already?
Wow... where has the time gone? This one is going to be really short, and I'm sorry about that. I continue to not feel 100%, we're racing around with appointments for Connor, who has croup... we changed pediatricians with alot of drama this week... and work has been busy busy BUSY.
More later, really!
More later, really!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
What does your birthdate mean?
Your Birthdate: November 24 |
![]() Your strength: Your devotion Your weakness: Reliance on others for happiness Your power color: Lilac Your power symbol: Heart Your power month: June |
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Tuesday Nothings
Blah. I hate how I feel in winter. After my indoor surfing trials, I have now contracted an old fashioned cold -- stuffy head, congested nose, sneezing... I slept most of the weekend away and I still feel under the weather. Now my right eye is acting like it might be getting pink eye, except the redness and the draining aren't here yet, just the funky itch. I tried to go back to the gym last night and my knee complained enough that I quit. Can you tell I'm having fun??!!
I have my stuff to finish the kids' gifts for their classes for Valentine's Day, now I just need to start. Connor's class is celebrating the 100th day of school this week, so we have special "homework" to do for that as well. Duncan's blue/gold banquet for scouts is this coming Saturday. Both kids have field trips this month, and I'm counting the days until taxes are back.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Indoor Surfing is NOT recommended
Got one word to describe it -- OUCH! I was headed from the kitchen back downstairs and the next thing I know I feel my right leg/knee turn under, my pinky toe scream in pain and OWWWW. Silly Carolyn! I'm black and blue between my last two toes where the skin ripped and bled, my foot is tender, and my knee a little swollen and tender. Shoes are no fun today. My first thought was daggonit, how am I supposed to workout tomorrow?
Charles did this on other stairs in our house in October 2005; he managed to shatter his big toe, so maybe it's not quite as bad? We ended up opting not to go to the doctor -- the toes are still in proper alignment, and I'm able to bear weight on it today, although it's not fun.
In better news, I attended Connor's parent/teacher conference on Friday. She said math is going to be his strength. He is slightly below grade level on reading due to not knowing as many sight words as he should, and below grade level on writing, but I am hoping some of our testing/interventions will help us on that. I should see report cards today or tomorrow for both kids.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Thursday Thoughts for 1/25
The Pinewood Derby went very well last weekend. Duncan finished 2nd in his den, and his buddy Comfort finished first in the den. I'll post pictures of his car (& his 2nd place ribbon) on the photo blog tomorrow. He was a good sport, and seemed to enjoy his day. We race again at the district derby in mid-March. It really has been a busy scout January -- our den leader asked if one of us could step up and lead two meetings this month, so I volunteered and we earned our "Handyman Activity Pin" over two Tuesdays. We have next week off, so we are done with scouts until 2/6.
Charles and I are trying to get our exercise habit breathing new life in the new year. So far I've made it to the gym once/week for three weeks, and this week I've already made it a second time. I should be really going 3 times/week but we just aren't there yet. I'm also only doing my strength workout so far, but I'm proud to be getting back there. My kids love the "Adventure Room" which is the child watch for kids 5-12, so it's a family outing. Maybe if I get my act together and find our swimsuits we can do the pool too tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, I'm off work for the day. Connor's parent-teacher conference is tomorrow morning, and with as many problems as we've had with him in school, it's a MUST attend for me. I get his evaluation back from the psychologist next Wednesday, and then his OT evaluation (for sensory integration problems) is next Thursday. Next Friday is Charles' birthday, and I'm afraid to confess I haven't done ONE thing about it yet. Eek!!
Any Top Chef fans out there? I'm going to be sorry to see this season end. I was really sad to see Elia eliminated last night, especially in favor of Marcel -- what a little obnoxious twit. I think Survivor: Fiji kicks up next week so I won't have a gap in my reality-tv fixes. I've been taping American Idol so far, but haven't watched it -- I'm not into the horrible singers, I usually start watching either when they get to Hollywood or in the semi-finals.
Everyone ready for Valentine's Day? My gift boxes that I made for Christmas were such a hit at school I'm getting ready to do a valentine's version. I've been watching the ads to get my chocolate cheap for them, and my stamp roller came in last night to do the boxes. I have 30 of them to make between the two kids' classrooms. So far in consumable supplies, I have $13 (INCLUDING the chocolate), so I'm really pleased with myself. Now to find the 2 hours to make them!
OK, I think I'm out of things to say for the moment. I haven't slept well this week, so I am looking forward to a restful weekend!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Thursday Thoughts
WooHOO -- Dexter is using the litter box again!!! He's also now sporting a pretty royal blue collar. So far when we let him out to roam he's coming back in an hour or so when called. We're skeptical about having an indoor/outdoor cat, but he's being pretty stubborn about it. I had to laugh this morning though... we are getting a "wintery mix", mostly snow at the moment. Of course, he was adamant about his outdoor time... until he got out there. He licked the snow... sniffed it... walked around the tree, then hid under the molded slide thing, only peeking his head out to see if he was still getting wet. I think his outside time lasted maybe 5 minutes today? LOL!
Charles is doing well, thank you to those who have asked. HIs finger still has some redness and one hard spot, but otherwise he is very much back to normal. Hopefully that is our last medical emergency for quite a while. I'm afraid Connor might be getting sick though. He's been really irritable and teary lately, and that's normally a sign he doesn't feel well. Only time will tell.
We have a busy weekend coming up -- Duncan's cub scout pack is holding their Pinewood Derby on Saturday morning. Duncan's car this year is done to resemble (as best we can) the transformer Crumblezone. He's getting help from the Uncle of his best scout buddy on it, so hopefully we'll have much better results this year. With 105 boys in the pack, and every car running at least four times, it's going to be a LONG morning.
Sorry I haven't put any new pictures up on the photo blog, but January is just not my best month for feeling well and energy. I promise to try and do better!
Charles is doing well, thank you to those who have asked. HIs finger still has some redness and one hard spot, but otherwise he is very much back to normal. Hopefully that is our last medical emergency for quite a while. I'm afraid Connor might be getting sick though. He's been really irritable and teary lately, and that's normally a sign he doesn't feel well. Only time will tell.
We have a busy weekend coming up -- Duncan's cub scout pack is holding their Pinewood Derby on Saturday morning. Duncan's car this year is done to resemble (as best we can) the transformer Crumblezone. He's getting help from the Uncle of his best scout buddy on it, so hopefully we'll have much better results this year. With 105 boys in the pack, and every car running at least four times, it's going to be a LONG morning.
Sorry I haven't put any new pictures up on the photo blog, but January is just not my best month for feeling well and energy. I promise to try and do better!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Deja Vu?
I feel like I'm living my life over again, this time with Connor. Have I mentioned how much trouble he has had being quiet, attentive, and in-his-seat at school? That he's been to the principal's office twice? Well, I finally took him to the psychologist we see for Duncan, and had an initial meeting. I explained that I definitely see two of the three ADHD problems (hyperactivity, impulse control, attentiveness), that he's not doing well with social cues and giving people personal space, etc. etc. He's having an evaluation next Friday, and I get the results on 1/31. My mommy instinct tells me there is something going on. Dr. S. said he didn't think we'd find anything severe or profound, but that it would be "kind of grey" rather than black and white. So we'll see. I'm also going to take him to see the OT for a Sensory Integration Dysfunction evaluation -- DSI can sometimes present as ADHD. Last on the list is setting up a private speech/language evaluation. I just want to know how to help him.
For those who have asked, Charles' finger continues to improve. He saw our family physician Monday about it. He has had alot of dead skin peel off the segment that had all the blisters, so it is red and itchy, but definitely continues to improve. Dexter is on a NEW antibiotic since he still had a UTI. He continues to pee/poop where it pleases him, so we are very frustrated. Charles is super cleaning the litterboxes today to see if that will restart him going in the right spot again. He has also gotten out a few more times, so payday this weekend brings him a collar whether he likes it or not. Little grey fur beast!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Track Star?
Connor informed us this morning that he did NOT want to be on the track team when he grew up. We pondered this, and he also informed us he knew what the track team did. When we asked he solemnly informed us that the track team "waited until a train was coming and then ran across the track." When we asked him why he didn't want to be on the track team he told us he was afraid he'd get run over.
Monday, January 08, 2007
SA Blog Challenge for week of 1/8
1. I've come to realize that my life is... whatever I choose to make it. Therefore there is no one to blame but me.
2. I am listening to... my kids squabbling.
3. I talk... constantly.
4. I love... my family.
5. My best friends... are all a long distance away. I don't have a "best" friend here anymore.
6. Love is... something really hard to explain.
7. Somewhere, someone is thinking...
8. I'll always... want to be in the middle of whatever is going on. I like having "the scoop" and all the details.
9. The last time I cried was because... Charles didn't get to watch the kids open their Santa Claus this year due to being in the hospital.
10. My cell phone... was a gift from my friend S., and I just got it in October. I'm already addicted....
11. Before I go to bed... I normally check my email.
12. Right now I am thinking about...
13. Today I... have day #8 of bad sinus pain.
14. Tonite I will... go back to the gym for the first time in over a month.
15. Tomorrow I will be... really busy at work.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
SA Blog Challenge for week of 1/1
OK, so I'm a little behind...
2007 is here. What do you want to accomplish for YOURSELF this year? What are your goals or dreams? What are you most looking forward to? Give us a prediction of how you see your life going in 2007.
For me this year? I'd like to get back into a workout routine and maybe drop another 30 lbs. I want to make every holiday special for the kids -- I've already started on Valentine's day! I want to settle both kids down from the wild rumble-tumble boys we have right now. I am looking forward to Connor joining cub scouts, Duncan reaching 5th grade, and getting both in something for fall besides scouts. I want a real family vacation again this year, just us four again. I hope to lose some clutter at my house, gain some control over my life and my moods, and be proactive rather than reactive -- 2005 & 2006 were out of character for me.
How about you?
2007 is here. What do you want to accomplish for YOURSELF this year? What are your goals or dreams? What are you most looking forward to? Give us a prediction of how you see your life going in 2007.
For me this year? I'd like to get back into a workout routine and maybe drop another 30 lbs. I want to make every holiday special for the kids -- I've already started on Valentine's day! I want to settle both kids down from the wild rumble-tumble boys we have right now. I am looking forward to Connor joining cub scouts, Duncan reaching 5th grade, and getting both in something for fall besides scouts. I want a real family vacation again this year, just us four again. I hope to lose some clutter at my house, gain some control over my life and my moods, and be proactive rather than reactive -- 2005 & 2006 were out of character for me.
How about you?
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy New Year!
Charles came home on Friday on oral antibiotics. He's still not feeling 100%, but the finger is improving. It has nasty looking blisters on the underside, but they are slowly getting better. Dexter however, is still suffering from his urinary tract problems despite a week of antibiotics, and I believe he will be heading back to the vet.
Let's hope we all start our new year off right... I have more to say but no time this morning, so I'll write again soon!
Let's hope we all start our new year off right... I have more to say but no time this morning, so I'll write again soon!
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